
Excel文件:https://www.teachexcel.com/excel-tutorial/2051/15-must-know-excel-keyboard-shortcuts?nav = yt Excel論壇:https://www.teachexcel.com/talk/microsoft -office?src = yt 15個Excel鍵盤快捷鍵,可以節省您在Excel中工作的時間。 這些是我每天都使用的快捷方式,它們適用於所有使用Excel的人,而不論其職業如何。 快捷方式涉及在電子表格和工作簿中移動,將數據輸入單元格,複製/粘貼單元格的某些方面以加快數據輸入和處理等等。 TeachExcel.com。

  1. Sir, I want to a tutorial of stock maintainance, Suppose, You have various kinds of goods in your stocks. You have sold 10 items of them from stocks. When you make a bill and save it, then the items will be minus from your stocks automatically. I hope, you have understand my idea. Thank you very much.

  2. Hello, nice tips, thanks. Keep up the good work. One additional tip saving even much more time: Instead of copying format by Ctrl C and then in every cell  Alt E S T + ENTER try the following: Select the formatted cell double click on the "format painter" on the left of the "Home" tab of the ribben and then then you just need to click once in every cell or group(by dragging) of cells anywhere on the sheet. When done just click Escape.

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