
衛星互聯網糟透了。 而且我們都將很快使用它! 但這是一件好事,如果Amazon,SpaceX和OneWeb對此有話要說。 您可能已經聽說過這種聲音,這是我在該頻道上多次講到的內容,但是不久之後,如果您什麼也得不到的話,衛星互聯網就不會是您得到的東西,它是它將成為帶來高速,低延遲互聯網的新尖端技術…坦率地說,幾乎可以在任何地方。 ———-尋找您所在地區的最佳衛星互聯網提供商:https://www.reviews.org/internet-service/best-satellite-internet-providers?kbid=123489您可以在此處通過衛星互聯網訪問:https://www.reviews.org/internet-service/fastest-internet-from-your-satellite?kbid=123489 ———-衛星互聯網變得很糟糕說唱,有一些很好的理由。 但是會有新一代的衛星互聯網在……一年內提供? 5年? (沒人能確定。)亞馬遜,SpaceX,OneWeb,LeoSat和Telesat的項目希望改變高速,低延遲互聯網交付給…的方式……每個人,不僅僅是農村客戶,別無選擇。 。

  1. As has been noted in the comments, I erred in saying that users would be using a dish to receive the signal — it would actually be an antenna. Even better! Thanks for the correction!

  2. Satellite internet is not really that workable because Satellites are hundreds of miles away rather than 25 miles max. The best way would be fiber optics still. But Satellites are good for certain data.

  3. Watching and waiting for this. I pay 180 a month for ViaSat Satelite Internet it totally sucks 800-900 ping gaming is very slow. 75 gegs runs out and then it sucks even worse.

  4. I have DIsh in an extremely rural part of Maine and it's incredibly fast–way faster than my service in a big city I also spend time in. The only thing is, the trees keep growing and I'm afraid they're going to block out my satellite dish's eyeline to the satellite soon! It's about $100 for 100 Gb a month, so it's not so bad. For me, tho, 100 Gb isn't enough.

  5. Ive heard this will be sold to the big players like on the stock exchange first which means its likely another 2 to 5 years before is will be available to your average person. I want this tech more than most people because it is almost as important as running water to me but I don't see it accessible for a long time.

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