DAZ Studio-Quicktipp加快工作流程

讓我向您展示如果將某些標準設置更改為其他設置,如何加快工作流程。 。

  1. Pardon me a moment … picks jaw up off the ground ….

    I typically operate with (at least) 2 viewports (sometimes one of them I use split image if I need to see various angles at the same time). My auxiliary viewport is typically where I view the camera angle that I will likely use for my render, so that I am manipulating in one, and viewing the (possible) result with my camera in the other. I love being able to view my camera angle in Iray, but I usually have to go back to the texture mode due to the lag. I'm definitely going to try your recommendations. Thanks!!!

    Update: Tried it. Yup. Definitely in the top 5 best Daz advice I've ever received. THANKS!!!!

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