這是我最初在2002年做的TARDIS控制台,後來在2010年進行了更新。我在Lightwave 3D中使用FPrime進行渲染。 。

  1. Well the 24 hours I gave @stevegale to give any evidence in his claims against me has come and gone as I clearly knew it would. He's created a fiction with out any shred of evidence against me. I even offered to post his evidence if he emailed it to the account I created for him stevegaleisaliar@maildrop.cc I thereby declare him a LIAR and IDIOT of the First Order!! I have provided over 100 pieces of evidence showing the over 20+ years I have been playing with this design https://imgur.com/gallery/R8YY9RT and https://imgur.com/gallery/YZNMY8c

    He has offered nothing except more empty claims against me. Saying things on behalf of others he claims to know. He has used the standard internet tropes to try to dig himself out of this hole he dug for himself by attacking me. "You'd lose in a court of law" and "I SAID GOOD DAY". He is just an internet troll. I pity and laugh at his existence. His amazing leaps in logic are beyond stupid "My website is down therefor it's due to copyright infringements" when in fact my wordpress install was hacked and I've not been bothered to fix it. Or that I have never played SecondLife and Never heard of the acronym HoO therefore that proves that I am a liar. HAHAHAHA wow. I should be picking on the retarded but he attacked me with horrible claims against me. I have clearly proven that I am INDEED the designer of this console and console room that has been on the internet since 2002. #stevegaleisanidiot #noproof

  2. Argh. I was hoping to send you a private message Rob….but this'll have to do. I run a tabletop Doctor Who game and stumbled across your early designs for this console and thought it was impressively unique enough to be the interior of my non-Doctor TARDIS, the Wayfarer.

    I am using your images (though privately, not in any public manner) and wanted to thank you for continuing your work and updating because now I have more amazing imagery to share with my players. Please feel free to message me should you have any questions or concerns.

  3. Argh. I was hoping to send you a private message Rob….but this'll have to do. I run a tabletop Doctor Who game and stumbled across your early designs for this console and thought it was impressively unique enough to be the interior of my non-Doctor TARDIS, the Wayfarer.

    I am using your images (though privately, not in any public manner) and wanted to thank you for continuing your work and updating because now I have more amazing imagery to share with my players. Please feel free to message me should you have any questions or concerns.

  4. beautiful , i build real consoles , i would love to have this as my screen saver . is that possible.how can i do this , with your permission of course. check out my site to see all 4 consoles that i have made.celticfoxstudio dot com

  5. You must compare this design to another one I found on YouTube a few years ago. Turns out, this guy has his own website and does all kinds of animations and reconstructions of Doctor Who related material. His YouTube page is called "TheMindRobber" and his website is called… wwwDOTthemindrobberDOTcoDOTuk (YouTube won't let me just put the link in this comment, but I found a way around it.)

  6. A couple of months ago my friend Kat gave me a lot of the big finish audio adventures.

    For the Five and Six stories I always imagine this Console, especially Six as he is my Doctor.

    Colin Baker got a shite deal and deserved better direction, production and wardrobe!

  7. Wow. This might be my favourite console concept that I've come across. I love the time rotor and the way it combines the best elements from the classic series and the TV movie. Well done.

  8. I guess that was because the whole junk thing was planned from the beginning. Maybe they will have a contest to design the main console sometime in the future, but I highly doubt it. I've been designing my own in google sketchup for fun. I think it would have qualified as junk. XD

  9. what i found annoying in the blue peter competition is that they said you can't design an old series console it has to look like it has been made out of junk 🙁

  10. It has a much more "alien" feel to it than previous old-style consoles, emphasizing that the Doctor is in fact not Human. I wish they could have used it on the program. The two consoles we've seen since the revival are "gimmicky" but not alien. As the Doctor said to Sara Jane Smith early on, "I'm not Human. I'm a Time Lord — I walk in eternity."

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