
#536洛杉磯市中心的秘密-與約旦獅子一起發獃(1/24/2018)單擊訂閱:http://bit.ly/SubDazeWithJordanTheLion商戶:http://shop.spreadshirt.com/jordanthelion捐贈:www.patreon .com / jordanthelion貝寶捐款:[email protected]或paypal.me/jordanthelion FB集團:與獅子約旦一起發獃Amazon列表:https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2O6HBZ3QOUBIU電子郵件:[email protected]

  1. Hello I've been watching your videos for about two weeks. Love hearing the old Hollywood history. I wonder if all Leos are afraid of heights. LOL. I've been trying to watch these vlogs in order but I keep jumping around. Anyway love the vlogs!!

  2. Weren't those steps going up to the courthouse the exact spot were Liar Liar was filmed with Jim Carrey sitting down when Jennifer Tilly approaches him?

  3. Who built those tunnels? How? How did they dig the tunnels without it being known? All the bulldozers,not to mention the dirt! How long did it take? Who got to use them? Where did they lead?????????

  4. Again a very interesting vlog Jordan. I would never trust a railing that high up, so wouldn't lean against them. Your interest in different things are so vast, as well as your knowledge of them. Thank you so much ! I really enjoy each and every vlog. You keep me young ! 🙂

  5. It』s so cool to see a place I used to work in featured. You actually made it look fascinating- which I never thought possible. Lol! And thanks for going to the top of City Hall, I went vicariously with you – that elevator always gave me the creeps ?

  6. Lots of big cities had tunnels, but not from Prohibition. They were for deliveries and transportation. Its easier to transport items underground than taking it down a city street. There would be a central (more or less) point with whatever being taken wherever.

  7. Jordan, you said you HATE HEIGHTS??? I'm sure not keen on them either, but how the heck did you do that then? Thank you for taking me through the underground tunnels too.

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