ASMR〜加快編輯300 GYM粉筆棒

ASMR〜加快了300 GYM粉筆棒的編輯嗨,緊縮愛好者! 所以我編輯了我要求的300個健身粉筆酒吧視頻。 我還進行了兩部分的定期編輯,另一部分則是從08:54開始的已編輯部分的加速版本。 我希望你們再次喜歡這300個酒吧。 事實證明,由於運費非常高,我可能無法運到巴基斯坦。 今天我付了40美元,也就是6000盧比(我用Google搜索了一下)把包裹寄給我的獲獎者。 我知道你們中的某些人可能願意付錢,但我會繼續努力尋找便宜的價格。 你們想知道我的第一張YouTube工資多少嗎? 在下面留下評論。 我們的訂閱人數幾乎達到4k,就像我想我夢到有人可以捏我一樣。 不要忘記訂閱並幫助我到達那裡。 我好愛你們 XOXO,我有一個願望清單,給我發了一些甜蜜的東西:在Instagram上關注我:。

  1. This is so crispy and clean. The contrast of white powder on your beautiful skin tone is so soothing, your pink nails are like a cherry on top ❤️✨?visually and musically pleasing ✨

  2. Ohhh!! That's sad cus I wanted to buy more of your reforms but god 6000 rupees is alot for JUST shipping. Anyways I loved the editing and I would love to know about your first pay check

  3. Whatever I think about u a noti just pop up…ysterday I thot to request u an edited version of dis…and here it is …thanx for reaching out to my heart

  4. WOW!! I loved the sped up version!! It』s so crunchy and crispy….Imma be watching that over and over again!!??? I was actually hoping that you would post a sped up version of something and I got it!! Tysm!!?????❤️❤️

  5. So guys..I have decided to take a break from youtube,I will be back after a week,and this video was the goodbye gift,miss your videos already,so goodbye for now..?❤

  6. The edited version ????, the speed up edited version? ??????????????????? ??? thank you sooo much for this amazing edited version I appreciate you!!

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