如何為免費互聯網設置Anonytun VPN-免費互聯網2020

有關如何使用Anonytun設置SNI主機以實現牙買加免費快速上網的說明。 下載鏈接:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anonytun.android&hl=zh_CN **該視頻是出於教育目的,對於由此獲得的任何知識,我方概不負責**。

  1. Get Netshare you can use it to share your vpn connection to other devices i just tried it with flight mode on ha ha 🙂 direct WiFi

  2. I know about the airplane mode but what's it about but there's something you can't do share your internet via hotspot cause airplane mode is on

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