
新加坡研究人員開發了一種新機器,每個實驗室每天可以測試多達四倍的COVID-19樣本數量。 「 RAVE」機器將人力,成本和時間減少了大約一半,並且每天增加大約2,000次測試,從而增加了新加坡的總產能。 無論是移動試管,用移液器轉移液體還是掃描條形碼,都希望自動進行操作還可以減少人為錯誤的空間並減少實驗室感染的風險。 在此處訂閱我們的頻道:在Telegram上訂閱我們的新聞服務:關注我們:CNA: CNA生活方式:http:/ / Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:。

  1. Are we going to use this machine for many years? Are there other ways to increase the capacity and safety for conducting the test?

  2. The wait to find the silver bullet (vaccines) will be long, meanwhile we should right focus on fast & efficient testing machines like this. Well done Singapore !

  3. why the government sends out a daily message with so many 'Singaporeans' and so many 'pass holders'? Does the Government distinguish between them and not as humans? Could they also mention nationality wise? For a forward nation like Singapore it does not mean anything , all required is how many in public and how many from contact tracing for public to take care

  4. Greetings All,

    Is it time to turn to Jesus for salvation? The Bible speaks of darkness upon the earth and Jesus being the light to guide us through. These are dark days, will you come to the light?

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

    The Good News: Putting your trust in God is the way forward. Set aside your anxieties and doubts and turn it all over to the Lord.

    Your friend sharing the Love & Light,


  5. I agree with some commenters who said coronavirus will disappear by next year or two years. According to history pandemic will die of gradually by itself. It』s only a matter of time. Mark my words.

  6. I roughly remember in 2003 when Singapore developed the temperature screening system that is adopted all over the world now. Basically those temperature screening devices that shows the body's heat signature on a tv was developed by Singapore. Singapore has definitely made its mark on the world and its about time that those European and American incompetent leaders learn something from us.

  7. The BS goes on. None of these tests, actually test for the virus, because it has never been PURIFIED.
    With these tests (PCR or serologic), if you had a flu in the last few years, or worse you got the useless flu shot, you will test so-called 「positive」.
    There is no gold standard tests !!! And there are not tests that give you a + or -.

  8. Whoa… working in lab, testing for Covid n only wearing those protective equipment?!?! If u can smell a person's perfume or when someone farts, can the virus also infect that way??!! Same goes for the public. Or is this Covid thing a subterfuge for something deeper???!

  9. Wow Singapore is so amazing. First, we invented drones, then we invented plastic-eating bacteria, then now we develop lab equipment and devices. Will the wonder never end? When will we invent cars, planes and rocket engines?

  10. this machine should be exported to as many countries as possible. besides being a boon to humanity it will also help singapore economy.

  11. Lol the machine is commercially available. They just purchase it and input the protocol. What good choice of word 「DEVELOP」 to impress people lol

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