使用Loupedeck CT加快我的Adobe Illustrator工作流程

該視頻由Loupedeck贊助。 您可以在此處了解有關該產品的更多信息:亞馬遜上的Loupedeck CT:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0837LKGL6了解有關Loupedeck CT的更多信息:https://loupedeck.com/en/products/loupedeck-ct?skip = true電子郵件通訊:http://brad.site/signup/我的課程折扣:http://brad.site/learn/ ——————– ——————————— Twitter:https://twitter.com/bradcolbow Instagram:https:// www.instagram.com/bcolbow/繪圖技術排名前10位的列表:http://brad.site/我的繪圖和視頻設備:http://brad.site/mygear/。

  1. Wow I』m just amazed at the amazing tools AI has tbh, I started to learn in Affinity Designer but this live paint and blob brush are mind blowing (I don』t think Designer has an equivalent yet?). Nice video, Brad, as always.

  2. Holy Moly, that price ^^"
    I use a shuttle pro v2 (which has the knob and buttons) that was 60€ and a cherry mini keyboard (customizable buttons) that was 30€.
    You can print out little stickers for your custom buttons, the shuttle pro has little plastic covers on the buttons to put them in.
    The shuttle also can be programmed to have a different button setup for different programs, it's a professional tool for visual and audio artists.

    There is no reason for this to be almost $600 O_o

    Edit: oh no, almost forgot my tabmate. It was 40€ and for clip studio paint exclusively, but it is pretty cool.
    So even with these 3 devices I'm not close to even half of the price of this monstrosity o_o

  3. I』ve seen other youtubers check this and it didn』t get positive reviews and showing the reasons why; at best it isn』t worth its price tag, at worst it』s just a clunky piece of junk that does not work as advertized or falls short of expectations.

    I see you were sponsored by the brand; it was smart not to give a review strictly speaking, but I hope you don』t go down the way of endorsing sub-par products because they gave you the money to do it. Many of your followers wouldn』t think twice about buying the stuff you show here because they trust you.

  4. Could you check out Superbrush? Is an app that came out recentry for pairing up an android tablet/smartphone with a windows computer, that lets you use an active pen with pressure sensitivity and such. Its basically astropad for android/windows. The developer seems to be giving review copies on his website also, if you would like to check it.

  5. Very interesting line and color technnique Brad. I am going to try this out for myself. I am doing vector illustrations now for 10 years. An issue that is boiling up for me is that the outcome is kinda destructive. If you need to change the angel of the arm for example, it will be a problem and you need to do that part over. With a more controlled shape you can reshape whenever you want, a change is done under a minute. Dont you face those problems on the way here and there?

  6. Perhaps a point of interest: The makers of Clip Studio Paint make a dedicated piece of hardware called the TabMate (why, I don't know: their naming conventions always suffer going from Japanese to English, or to what they think is cool-sounding English), but it does something similar to Loupedeck CT, albeit in a much more limited and program-specific way.

  7. I have your affinity designer course. You didn』t show us that trick with trimming your inking lines. Please go over that in the future.

  8. The real question is, does the $550 device let you do anything you can't, or work more efficiently than you can with just a keyboard? The answer is no, obviously, because you're just mapping all the things the program can already to to knobs and buttons. Yeah, the dial to change opacity or line width looks cool, but you can do the same thing by hitting CTRL+[ or ] (I don't know what the actual shortcut is, but you get my point)

    So the REAL real question is, do you have $550 to spare to buy a cool looking thing that you're going to set next to your keyboard because you like having a thing with shiny, candy-like buttons all over it.

    I have to admit, I'm tempted.

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