
在此WordPress速度教程中,您將學習如何使用LiteSpeed Cache來加速優化網站,LiteSpeed Cache是​​擁有LiteSpeed託管的免費插件。 視頻中的鏈接:最佳LiteSpeed託管服務提供商https://www.wpcrafter.com/best-litespeed-hosting Hostinger-https://www.wpcrafter.com/hostinger(節省10%的密碼)Web託管秘密揭曉https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v = JqZ2KIHPKrk目錄00:00:00視頻概述00:00:34什麼是LiteSpeed 00:01:29 LiteSpeed主機00:02:20託管視頻00: 03:13基準測試00:06:59如何獲取LSCache 00:07:51插件概述00:08:28常規設置00:09:37重要插件警告00:11:31緩存設置00:16:22 CDN設置00:18:26圖像優化設置00:22:53頁面優化設置00:28:59資料庫優化00:29:58爬網程序設置00:30:47工具箱設置00:31:51再次進行圖像優化00:32:32網站檢查00:33:14重新測試???2020年7月WordPress交易???* SiteGround-https://www.wpcrafter.com/siteground(節省40%)* KadenceWP-https://www.wpcrafter。 com / kadence(保存25%的代碼WPC100OFF)* FluentForms-https://www.wpcrafter。 com / fluentforms(節省25%)* BuddyBoss-https://www.wpcrafter.com/buddyboss(節省10%)* Divi-https://www.wpcrafter.com/divi(節省10%)?? NOT重要通知???需要免費的高級WordPress培訓嗎? 我出售優質的WordPress培訓課程,我想讓您免費訪問。 我更願意將它們提供給您,以使每個人都可以使用它們。 當您通過我的推薦鏈接購買產品或服務時,獲得訪問權很容易,我要說謝謝您提供免費課程。 訪問以獲取更多信息?https://www.wpcrafter.com/free-courses???我的首選???* SiteGround-https://www.wpcrafter.com/siteground(節省40%)* Cloudways- -https://www.wpcrafter.com/cloudways(節省10%)* BuddyBoss-https://www.wpcrafter.com/buddyboss(節省10%)* LearnDash-https://www.wpcrafter.com / learndash * Elementor-https://www.wpcrafter.com/getelementor⚙️⚙️⚙️最佳WordPress頁面構建器⚙️⚙️⚙️* Elementor-https://www.wpcrafter.com/elementor * Beaver Builder-https:/ /www.wpcrafter.com/beaverbuilder * Brizy-https://www.wpcrafter.com/brizy * Divi-https://www.wpcrafter.com/divi(節省20%)* Thrive Architect-https: //www.wpcrafter.com/thrive-architectBest️?️?️最佳WordPress託管?️?️?️*完整列表-https://www.wpcrafter.com/hosting * SiteGround-https://www.wpcrafter.com/ siteground(節省40%)* Cloudways-https://www.wpcrafter.com/cloudways(節省10%)* A2Hosting-https://www.wpcrafter.com/a2hosting(節省66%)* NameHero- https://www.wpcrafter.co m / namehero(節省50%)???聯繫WPCrafter???☑網站-https://www.wpcrafter.com☑Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/wpcrafter☑Facebook組-https http://www.facebook.com/groups/wpcrafter☑Twitter-https://twitter.com/wpcrafter這段視頻中表達的所有觀點都是我自己的,沒有付錢給我製作這段視頻。 每當我的任何視頻中都有鏈接時,如果有可用的推薦程序,請假定您單擊的是推薦鏈接。 當然,當您單擊時,我想獎勵您免費的高級培訓課程。 訪問以獲取更多信息?https://www.wpcrafter.com/free-courses。

  1. My Hosting service (O2Switch) gives the how-to on using LiteSpeed. However, they say NOT to use or other CDN at the same time as LiteSpeed. This is counterproductive as it would create several levels of cache and might block the LiteSpeed internal purging mechanism. They insist: "DO NOT ACTIVATE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME", it is one or the other.
    I don't know anything about all of that… So CDN or not CDN?

  2. Was waiting for this video. Thank you so much for guiding us. Please guide us on cloudflare ideal setup and settings. Please Adam make video on this. I know you don't like cloudflare but for starters its the best option available as it's free. So please make cloudflare setup video. Will be waiting for cloudflare video.

  3. Hey Adam, I'll start by saying you are the only YouTuber I actually follow! So well done! A few years ago you were promoting InMotion hosting quite heavily. It convinced me to get it, and I bought a long-term plan. I get that you have to promote the latest and greatest, but I've noticed that every few months you have a new hosting provider that you recommend.

    I was wondering if you could tell me why you no longer promote InMotion? Lately, I've had terrible experiences with their customer support, and I swear my site speed is getting worse. Are these any of the reasons why you made the jump? And if I switch, which host do you honestly see being the best one for another long-term purchase? Thanks so much.

  4. Thanks for the great content. I have a problem related with LiteSpeed Cache Plugin which causes white blank page error some of my blog posts. Is there any certain solution for that?

  5. We are running BuddyBoss and LearnDash on our website. Do you have any recommendations using LiteSpeed hosting and the right configuration? Is this the same config like the one you mentioned in the video?

  6. Hi Adam, thank you for your videos, do you recommend "JetPack" for video hosting? if yes could you explain it and if not also could you please explain it why. I live in middle east I do not know which video hosting is suits for hosting my online video courses any help will be appreciated.

  7. My Situation:
    From what I understood, if I use LiteSpeed Cache, it should be enough, and I won't need any other plugin for Caching. So after changing my hosting to a server that uses LiteSpeed Caching, and following all the instructions in the video, I went on and deleted Autoptimize from my website… But then after re-testing with both GT-Metrix and Pingdom, I find out that the number of requests went up (from around 40 initially to around 60 now).
    My Question(s):
    Is LiteSpeed Caching supposed to be enough alone? Can I delete Autoptimize if using LSCache? Can keeping multiple caching plugins cause some issues with my Website?
    Thanks a lot for the videos, and especially for your honesty when reviewing plugins, themes, etc…
    (also, I rarely like videos on YT for some reason, but somehow you convinced me to "smash the like button" on this one lol)
    Many Thanks!

  8. Awesome video thanx! Personally I use cloudflare for email + Web dns + CDN + cache. Just keep in mind that using Cloudflare will not magically make your site secure. Many sites I find, clearly have people working on the site thst do not know this. It (Cloudflare) will not mitigate wordpress issues ie moving wp-config.php 1 folder level up, securing htaccess & functions. Php etc etc. I'll test LiteSpeed later and see how it compares 🙂

  9. Thank You Adam. All your tutorial are super easy to implement and of great value. Thank you for not charging any money for such information.
    I am using Hostinger. Many people give bad review regarding it as it's cheap. But till date I have not faced any problem with their service. What do you think about it ?
    I believe you as all your answers and tutorial are well researched.

    Should I stick with Hostinger?

  10. Nice job Adam. I can tell you from experience that there is no discernible difference between enabling redis over memcached for object caching performance on most WordPress installs. In fact, on most hosts [at least the ones I used] using litespeed, memcache is better configured to work with the cache plugin.

  11. Adam, you made a small mistake in 20:15, you assumed optimize losslessly as lossy, actually turning it on will optimize image losslessly means higher file size while you assumed it's lossy and will decrease. Other then that, the video is damn amazing.

  12. Hi Adam, I am a newby but I have bought Buddyboss, LearnDash and Wishlist because and through your tutorials. I』m confused. Should I look for a cloud hosting that offers LiteSpeed? What should I look for specifically for my website to run really fast with the BBoss and LearnDash? Thanks so much!

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