
您真的需要多少互聯網速度才能獲得驚人的在線體驗? 劇透警報:更多帶寬並不意味著更好的遊戲體驗! 今天的「更快的互聯網」視頻,我將向您展示在向ISP投入更多資金並仍然因連接不良而感到沮喪之前需要了解的各種因素! #TheTechieGuy#您應該購買哪部手機? Google Pixel 4 XL的最新的Samsung Galaxy S9,Samsung Galaxy Note 10? 還是蘋果的iPhone X? Google Pixel 3a手機呢? 想知道最好的細胞提示和技巧嗎? 你是在正確的地方! 我叫Liron Segev,又名TheTechieGuy,我讓所有人都容易理解技術-我回答了您的技術問題,使您的工作效率更高,並從手機,小工具和應用程序中獲得更多收益Liron Segev又名TheTechieGuy。

  1. it hard to understand why network is so slow when it full of network coverage? damn! mine only 0.89 mbps during night, 0.21 during daylight.. help me?

  2. I have a pretty tough question and if you can help me with it i would really appreciate it. I have my internet cable connected into my PC but i cant get past 9.5 mbs/s on any speedtest (and when i download i get a speed of 1mbs). My family doesnt have problems with the internet because they are using wifi connection, but the thing is until recently I didnt have any problem as well. A few days ago the thing seemed to be fixed and I had my usual internet speed, but now it is back in a bad state. My cable doesnt seem to be the problem because when i connected it to a laptop i got the regular internet speed. My friend told me that the problem cant be at my network board because my network is working despite the low speed. I dont know what to do anymore, the only thing I want to test is with a wifi adaptor. If you know anything about this thing please let me know! Thank you and have a good day (i also watched your previous tutorials for slow internet)

  3. I am getting 1000k for my download speed my upload speed 4.0 this video not for me I love what you post thou I appreciate you explaining the best you can so people can understand I WANNA KNOW LIRON what is your download and upload I am very serious to know also what Kind of DNS SERVER you using PLZ Reply 2 ME

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