新的WWE行動人物揭曉-SDCC 2020星期六

新的WWE動作人物揭曉-SDCC 2020星期六這是美泰在今年聖地亞哥世界動漫展上最新的WWE動作人物揭幕SDCC 2020將於今年在線舉行,周四是新人物揭露的最大單日。 今天要小得多,但仍具有一些令人難以置信的WWE新動作人物在今天的視頻中,我們看到:承辦統治者的十年精英約翰Cena統治的十年精英娜塔利亞統治的十年精英蘭迪·奧頓統治的十年精英凱恩統治的十年精英馬克·亨利十年統治精英貝絲·菲尼克斯統治精英十年精英大秀統治精英科菲·金斯頓統治精英三次Triple H統治最終戰士傳奇8傑克·蛇羅伯茨傳奇8保羅·奧恩多夫傳奇8埃迪·格雷羅傳奇8德魯·麥金太爾倖存者系列薩摩亞·喬精英系列倖存者約翰·莫里森精英系列肯恩倖存者系列1. WWE SDCC 2020 2. SDCC 2020 Mattel 3. SDCC 2020 WWE人物4. WWE人物SDCC 2020 5.新的WWE動作人物?購買官方摔角尺寸的襯衫在以下國家/地區下:美國/加拿大:https://www.amazon.com/SWT-Wrestling-Daze-Badge-Kanji/dp/B07NRSY6WX ban英國:https://urbanspecies.co。 uk / search?q = wrestling + daze #SDCC #ComicConAtHome#SDCC2020。

  1. They mess kanes belt up, from 2001 survival series it is missing the silver buttons that goes around the belt other then that it still looks good

  2. Jakks released a version of that Triple H in the SummerSlam 2003 figure line but it was a Titantron Live style instead of the Ruthless Aggression style.

  3. Hey Daze. Did you know that AEW have revealed two sneak peeks of Orange Cassidy and Pac action figures for Unrivaled series 3?! I'm not too big on the Cassidy reveal but Pac looks great

  4. The undertaker figure could be from either like you said the partnership of Mattel, and wwe, but it could also be for the undertaker celebration maybe a figure for the first appearance of taker cause he has retired

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