
使用優惠券代碼TB2020062302AO在此處獲得10%折扣的TourBox,無論您使用的是圖形設計軟體(例如Photoshop,Lightroom,Illustrator和Capture One),繪圖軟體,例如Clip Studio Paint,Comic Studio和SAI,或視頻和音頻編輯軟體(例如Final Cut Pro,Premiere,After Effects,DaVinci,Audition和C4D),您可以使用TourBox以非常直觀的方式操作創意軟體並享受更多自由編輯和優化您的創意體驗。 與滑鼠,鍵盤或圖形輸入板兼容,並且還可以單獨使用。 適用於Windows和MAC Tourbox控制台和驅動程序:關鍵功能-終極畫筆控制-即時工具切換-參數控制,一鍵式控制-流暢無縫的導航-完全可定製-極其易於使用?在YouTube上獲取我的高級教程:✅我的廉價照片選擇: 2TTcqg9✅獲取您的Photoshop&Lightroom許可證: for設計項目的高質量資產:✅您的攝影編輯再上一個台階:網站: Instagram: Rent教程: Facebook: DeviantART: #psdbox #tourbox #andreioprinca。

  1. This thing sucks. I tried using it. I was a supporter of the Kickstarter or was it Indiegogo? I can't remember anymore. The comfort compared to the ShuttlePRO v2, which is way more diverse in it's programability just pales in comparison. Tourbox is so blocky and bulky, not to mention heavy for what it does. How Shuttlepro managed years ago, before Tourbox was even a thought, to minimize everything and reduce the size to a sleek mouse-like feel baffles me as to how this got made in it's final build in the first place. I stopped using the Tourbox like a week after getting it. It feels like editing with a brick, plus the key functions don't feel great or as intuitive as it may look. It's terrible. I'll say it again, the ShuttlePRO did it better so long ago.

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