現象! || 秋天的詩人- "發獃" (官方視頻)|| 第一次反應

歡迎回到我的頻道,以及《秋天的詩人》中另一首令人難以置信的歌曲! 我非常喜歡整個視頻和歌曲,已經等不及下一部了。 非常感謝您提出的好建議! -@Tj Dragonblade,@ Pia Korpi和@Tim Hutchinson。 如果您對要採取的措施有任何想法或進一步的建議,請告訴我。 祝您有美好的一天並保持安全! 原始視頻-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di7NMssrqsE請確保加入其他社交媒體! Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/markhigginsYT/ Twitter-https://twitter.com/MarkHigginsYT喜歡我的耳機嗎? 在亞馬遜上查看它們! -https://amzn.to/2T4NGRU。

  1. I love they way you react trough the video – not by stopping the video (as the other reaction channels and it always ruins the song for me :)) ), but your face says everything! 🙂 Thank you so much for that 🙂

  2. Marko Saaresto, the vocalist, has an incredible voice and the band doesn't have a single bad song at all. I love how theatrical Marko is with all of his performances. He really gets into character. If you like this, check out "My Dark Disquiet", which is a song featured in the video game called Control. Marko reminds me a lot of Claude Frollo in this video, haha.

  3. If your open to other suggestions you really can't go wrong with any of Poets off the Fall's music videos.

    Some particular ones (official music videos) I would recommend:
    Dancing on Broken Glass
    Children of the Sun
    False Kings
    Drama for Life
    Choice Millionaire

    and a bonus recommendations (that aren't music videos but just songs/performances of theirs)
    Temple of Thought unplugged

    They also have a series of acoustic performances of some of their songs which they performed at the Alexander Theatre which they've are releasing one per month throughout this year.

  4. Amazing video and I love this band! It's my favorite!! I love all of their songs but I would like to suggest "Moonlight kissed", "The sweet escape" and "Where do we draw the line" from them!

  5. React to Poets of the Fall, "The Sweet Escape" official video, filmed in down town Helsinki, Finland.
    (You can actually, so and so, see some of the windows of my top floor apartment, when they show video taken from a drone. The view from my balcony is almost as good.)
    Hi from Helsinki Finland!

  6. wow this song truly marko show how large skill set he have his voice,amazing man in every way. this maybe best music video this band and not bad song at all. next you can try false kings what is my opinion poets of the falls best song ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkweStbjjSE ) ok thanx mark and have great day there. ps. false kings is perfect james bond movie song 😉

  7. This is probably my favorite of their videos and def one of my favorite PotF songs. Glad you enjoyed it! Temple of Thought is a good one as well, and I really like False Kings off their most recent album.

  8. YES! One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands. Can highly recommend "Lift", "Cradled in love", "False kings" and "War" from them, but in my opinion they have no bad songs. ?

  9. Love, love, love Poets of the Fall! They have so many great songs worth listening to: Dreaming Wide Awake, Skin, Temple of Thought, Rewind, Locking Up the Sun, Stay … If you want something a bit harder try Psychosis or Revolution Roulette. There are so many good songs, you can't lose.

  10. You should try Temple of Thought – unplugged Studio live, or maybe Skin, but actually it doesn』t matter ‚cuz all Songs are great by them. And nice reaction btw 😀

  11. Poets Of The Fall have so many different sounds that they pretty much have a little something for everyone. They're still my favorite band, even if I'm not a fan of their latest 2 albums. They're just amazing. You seemed to like this song more than Carnival Of Rust (which is considered their best).

    If you want a rock centric song, you can listen to Lift. It's one of the big 3 songs that they pretty much always have to play at concerts (Lift, Carnival Of Rust, Late Goodbye) Late Goodbye is the first song they ever made (even before all the band members joined). Lift is the first song on their first album. Carnival Of Rust is considered their best song, it's on the second album.

    If you really want a feel for his voice, you can listen to his live performance of either Sleep, or, Cradled In Love. They're slow songs, but that just means his voice is more pronounced. And, you get to see if they sound the same live, as they do in the studio. 🙂

  12. Wow! Poets of the Fall is one of my favorite bands ever! ❤️ Loved it! This song is amazing! You have to react to lots of songs!! Dreaming wide awake, Lift, Locking up the sun, Stay… Uff so many!!

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