唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)禁止了TikTok(ByteDance被嚇到了)

我不在手機上,因此在手機上進行了編輯。 我的遊戲頻道上很酷的東西:https://bit.ly/32blXSg加入Discord伺服器-https://discord.gg/G2xh7WC查閱「討論」頁面以獲取視頻更新查閱我的utip-http:// utip.io/leonsonny唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)禁止《 Tok of the Tok》。 現在,TikTok將不再受到美國人的歡迎。 最後。 歡迎來到leon sonny YouTube頻道,不要忘了為以後的上傳而停留(可能圍繞評論主題),如果您喜歡該視頻,則將其設為「喜歡」,並可以考慮按一下訂閱按鈕和鈴聲! 在格林尼治標準時間(格林尼治標準時間)第二頻道(英國中午)第二時(無論何時但總是)上傳-https://bit.ly/32aIOxw遊戲-https://bit.ly/32blXSg章節:待定。

  1. I mean i'm happy that tiktok is getting banned, but the tiktok is more dangerous than a gun really made me realise…

    Why tf is trump president?

  2. Nice 🙂 the dude about the guns
    .. Exactly. And have you heard about the Muslim camp in China too!!! That's a thing that needs stopping… Tik tok seems irrelevant to that. I like the music and the length of your video … The data stealing seems irrelevant too?

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