讓我呆在家裡笑的Tik Toks?*娛樂性*

星塵LED:https://stardustleds.com/?ref = WIFI?代碼「 WIFI10」享有10%的折扣加入Discord伺服器:https://discord.gg/k2XZz5f f積分/提交/業務:krabshitmemes @ gmail。 com如果您喜歡他們的內容,請在此視頻中查看創作者! 廣告收入分配給聲稱擁有該視頻的創作者和藝術家(如果需要幫助,請給我發送電子郵件),觀看我的Tik Tok視頻播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq0epDZF25E&list=PLof11bHQUQkPl7LazyMQRvDj8QNDPzLSF我喜歡製作新的有趣的Tik Tok彙編,我每天都上傳,所以更多。 我親自挑選了2020年最有趣的Tik Toks,就像葡萄樹一樣,所以您可以盡量不要嘲笑我的作品。 我嘗試製作乾淨的TikTok彙編,但最終總是獲得「最佳搞笑Tik Toks」。 向monstro,CooL Vines,Wifi Plug,CooL TikTok,經過驗證的tiktok頻道,Visicks和所有其他Funny TikTok編譯頻道大喊大叫,每天製作新視頻供我們欣賞。 如果您看到#tiktoks #tiktokmemes #memes,請評論。

  1. 2:40 I kinda have a story about that: My brother is obsessed with video games and one time his team lost and he looked straight at me and shook his face so fast for like 10 seconds and it genuinely scared me. I was like "DID HE JUST HAVE A SEIZURE OR SOMETHING?" and I just stared at him and no one else seemed to see it happen. Then he asked me why I was staring at him and I said " WHAT THE HECK DID YOU JUST DO?" He just shook it off as nothing but I was mortified. ?

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