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  1. The best way to shut it down is for Trump himself to buy it. 90% of its userbase would be so triggered they'd boycott it and it would fail all on its own

  2. Something tells me this is misdirection for something else in mind. Everyone is focused on TikTok but what about BigTech censorship?

  3. TikTokers basically wanted Trump to ban it even if an American company bought it, because then they could say "Look everybody, our sabotage of the RSVP for his Tulsa rally triggered the Drumpf so badly he hates TikTok! We bullied this little dick cheeto into submission! XD" This forces them to recant their accusations of Trump doing it as revenge for the Tulsa incident instead of genuine wariness over Chinese information thievery. Either that or they'll ignore it entirely.

  4. Americans should be greatful and teaching teens that he's giving a toss about their privacy. The trivial crying about tiktok going bye-bye from teens and people in their early 20s on the internet was just pure cringe.a complete failure to see the bigger picture.

  5. It's ok, the commies will not be stealing your data, just a rich guy that wants to put his stuff in your and track your every movement.

  6. No! Get rid of it. My gf annoys the shit out of me constantly by playing poop memes that have the exact same track played over it because they are simps. Delete!

  7. ey i notice this but i entered memology 101 channel and his upload videos there is this video under the 102 profile, can someone explain me?

  8. Youve gotta ask yourself,
    "Why would the
    Chinese Communist Party
    Want to target young and easily influenced people around the world?"

    The answer is control, power and persuasion.

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