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  1. And you know what? A lot of people are making their lives from the patriot act, it does not alter the fact that the patriot act should be repealed in full scale…
    The same thing goes with Tik Tok.

  2. You know politicians cant only adress the highest priority problem alone, they have to take care of a suit of problems at the same time, even if theyre not all the same exact priority, kyles fake outrages is stupid.

  3. In other news beavis and butt-head are returning just in the nick of time to help restore normalcy to the country! Beavis and butt-head be more common sense between the 2 of them then all out elected officials.

  4. If TikTok is bad and is from the Chinese government the answer is simple. Do not use it. The writing on the wall is clear. The American Government plans to use fear tactics to shut down free speech with claims of Chinese or Russian interference. It is quite possible and most likely probable that TikTok is Chinese data mining. If we give authority to the government to shut down platforms of free speech, would we not develop into the same authoritarian system we seek to eradicate?

  5. The Adpocalypse happened because they seemed to think that there was a Nazi epidemic going around.
    It seems to me though that there wasn』t a Nazi epidemic until AFTER that happened.

  6. I'm sure the exact reason this is happening is because people were finding the potential for economic mobility at rates that make the ruling class uncomfortable. Likely, also, I imagine it's a platform that may still allow for some freedom of opinion.

  7. Regardless of the politics, Tik Tok IS one of the more egregious apps when it comes to illegal data collection. Now, regardless of whether the US government decides to ban it or not, if you're one of those people who're paranoid about their data, it's probably best not to download it.

    And, yes, those politicians DO have better things to worry about besides whether they should ban a silly music video app or not.

  8. Yeah I'm gonna have to call bullshit on you equating the US government with the Chinese government. While I agree on how disgusting the Patriot Act is, try holding congressional hearings in China on their versions of privacy invasions, or try and expose them as a journalist. See what happens to you and your family. Yes, this is a lesser evil argument, but in this instance the US is the MUCH lesser evil. We're awful but there are mechanisms to try and self-correct.

  9. The actual reason is because the algorithm is really effective in spreading anti-establishment rhetoric and they can』t censor it because it』s not American.

  10. Yes, because national security and foreign policies are totally not issues. The US government totally should not protect Americans from hostile regimes.

    Give me a break. Stop shilling for the CCP.

  11. How can a government force an international company based in another country to sell to another company in the US? So much for the free market that just sounds like Microsoft using this to get the rights to Tik Tok which has become successful.

  12. I saw something about the day he announced it's banning, which ended up being bs anyway, actually stealing headlines away from the fact they had a plan ready in April that was never actualized and this was somehow leaked that same day? Idk, does anyone or Kyle know anything about this?

  13. This is trumps revenge for Tulsa, young Tik Tok users ordered tickets, he bragged about 1.2 million coming to his rally, at the end there were only about 6500…. they pranked him

  14. Some of my younger siblings are saying they think trump wants to band tik tok in the US, because of all the Tulsa Oklahoma tik toks where they were purposely making the seats empty for that rally

  15. So at 516 in the video, Kyle does it again. Maybe not even aware if you know you're doing it. You do a parity or impression of people you assume whining about Tic Tok. And you make them sound Southern. Religious. And like idiots. I don't know if you're aware of it Kyle. You use that accent whenever you're describing someone you disagree with. You're obviously not using a Brooklyn accent. You're not using an L.A. accent. It's a very elitist, ignorant move. The vast majority of time you refer to conservatives or people of this nature, you use a Southern dialect. You are a moron. There are plenty of us from the South who have an accent. Some of us are independents. Some of us are democrats. Some of us are republicans. You talk about elitism. There's an example of your elitism. It's as ridiculous when Hillary Clinton tries to use a Southern accent when speaking to black people. Or Al Gore. Your just like them…. Do some self reflection. You are in need of it…

  16. Broken clock is right twice a day! Ccp is a one of the biggest crime orgs. No question others also are not blameless like Facebook. But ccp and its methods of influence is urgent problem or genecididal chinese government is not a big problem in your mind?

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