如何使用Photoshop Actions加快PBR材料的紋理創建工作流程

在今天的視頻中,我將向您展示如何加快紋理創建工作流程以在Lumion中創建材料。 我的LUMION課程https://nunosilva.pt/lumion-course免費的照片操作預設https://www.nunosilva.pt/lumion-pbr-photoshop-action/我的口香糖https://gumroad.com/nunosilva3d我的網站https ://nunosilva.pt與我聯繫以進行業務諮詢我的現實PBR材料視頻https://youtu.be/acfxBjeDIMs我的社交INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/nunosilva3d ARTSTATION:https://www.artstation。 com / profeta鏈接:https://www.linkedin.com/in/nunosilvapt/行為:https://www.behance.net/nunosilva5信用:MrNumber112的訂閱按鈕https://youtu.be/Fps5vWgKdl0如有任何疑問,請在視頻下方的評論中問我。 如果您一直在關注我的視頻,您就會知道使用正確的紋理貼圖創建逼真的圖像非常重要。 您已經知道必須始終在法線貼圖的「 Alpha通道」中使用「光澤度」貼圖,並且對於某些紋理站點,甚至必須反轉「法線貼圖」的「綠色通道」以具有正確的照明。 手動完成此過程可能會變得很累! 因此,我將向您展示一個簡單的解決方案,以加快您的工作流程。 這可以使用Lumion渲染軟體進行建築可視化來完成。 這是一款出色的3D渲染軟體,可為建築師節省大量時間,因為它可以幫助您達到其他任何類似軟體都無法提供的細節和逼真度。 Lumion與大多數3D建模軟體完全兼容,包括Revit,SketchUp,ArchiCAD,3ds Max,Rhino,AutoCAD,Vectorworks等。 #photoshopactions #lumion #rendertutorial。

  1. I literally googled tutorials on how to do this and created my own actions after watching your Lumion PBR video, but mine ends with a dialog box to save the texture. It's amazing how you seem to find lots of helpful information to share

  2. Thanks for the tutorial nuno… I would love to see how we can create those leaf textured and how we use them on self made plants…if you make a tutorial on that… It would be helpful…

  3. Hey great video Nuno. Thanks for the advice.
    One quick question does the "flip normal map direction" icon/tool in the material menu not invert the green channel?

  4. Can you please guide how can we import 3ds Max model (with VRay or Corona materials and textures) to lumion? so that the model retains its original material and textures after importing into lumion.

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