
8月3日-美國企業協會駐地學者德里克·剪刀索斯(Derek Scissors)認為,全面禁止TikTok進入美國可能是沒有道理的。 他在「彭博市場:亞洲」上與Haslinda Amin和Rishaad Salamat進行了交談。 。

  1. I love America.. When it can't beat you.. Then try to invade or eat you up… Also talking about potential breaching of consumer data and privacy .. What a joke…
    What are US government accusing Chinese company like Huawei or Chinese app like tiktok being able to do is what currently y being done by Google Amazon

  2. That's what I don't understand, it's not the app that's dangerous, it's the central entity behind these products that threatens users data.

    It doesn't matter if it's China or the US, sure, ban tiktok in the US but at least be consistent and ban all apps in the US, yes, all of them.

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