唐納德·特朗普給TikTok所有者45天同意出售| 位元組跳| WION | 美中關係

唐納德·特朗普給TikTok所有者45天同意出售| 位元組跳| WION | 美國中國張力主席唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已同意給予中國ByteDance 45天的談判權,以將流行的短視頻應用程序TikTok出售給微軟公司#DonaldTrump #TikTok #WION關於頻道:WION-《世界是一個新聞》,研究了與深入分析。 我們提供的不僅僅是今天的新聞。 我們旨在增強人們探索世界的能力。 藉助我們位於新德里的全球總部,我們每小時都為您帶來新聞。 我們提供無偏見的信息。 我們是在世界政治方面對核心和無黨派人士持中立態度的記者。 人們對報告文學的偏見感到厭倦,我們主張一個全球化的統一世界。 因此,對我們而言,世界是真正的世界。 請保持在該頻道上的討論整潔和尊重,並避免使用種族主義或性別歧視言論以及個人侮辱。 在https://goo.gl/JfY3NI上訂閱我們的頻道查看我們的網站:http://www.wionews.com在我們的社交媒體上與我們聯繫:Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WIONews Twitter:https://twitter.com/WIONews在Google新聞上關注我們以獲取最新更新Zee新聞:-https://bit.ly/2Ac5G60 Zee業務:-https://bit.ly/36vI2xa DNA印度:-https ://bit.ly/2ZDuLRY WION:https://bit.ly/3gnDb5J Zee新聞應用程序:https://bit.ly/ZeeNewsApps。

  1. Have just read a newspaper article. The American Government has warned it's citizens not to travel to New Zealand as it has 23 active covid cases. We do have 23 cases BUT these are in isolation in guarded Hotels and what's more our boarder is closed. We are only accepting repatriation flights.

  2. people are still blinded….you all see China as the problem…TikTok is
    the only platform that allows you see the truth and share it…US is
    trying to own world media…they want to control what you all see and

  3. D ccp will always try a trick to get u mr trump Romberg d ccp want to destroy d USA international currency as d medium of exchange destroy d ccp now or watch d next great giant and super power declined e wake up Americans as to d real plan of d ccp free d world of dis rogue small man society evil wicked

  4. God-bless Donald Trump for protecting the American people and the free world. His weak predecessor Barack Obama let China to whatever they wanted!!!!

  5. India should buy TikTok based in India. Since Microsoft is buying US ´s TikTok presence, India should not allow Microsoft to control Indian Subscribers. Not saying anything on TikTok will either keep Indian subscribers under Chinese TikTok (ByteDance) or Microsoft. India needs to allow ban to be lifted if some Indian company buys it. Remember Indians will keep using it. They do not have to go to PlayStore or AppStore to download and install. Moreover millions of Indian phones are already having it. Who is going to make sure it is uninstalled, so best solution is to force Chinese company to sell it to some Indian company. Unless you say something, nothing will happen. I assume Modi would not say anything as he is afraid of talking on number of Chinese issues – whether it is trade deficit with China or allowing Chinese companies to own Indian Cos. The only divestment needed is of Indian cos by Chinese stake holders. So talk about these at least as Galwan can』t be spoken about or Tibet or hongkong, Taiwan can』t be spoken about.

  6. Joe Biden needs to buy tiktok. He can add smell cast where he can smell 6 year old girls hair. And then add a sonic feature that pushes down leg hairs . It could be innovated but no we get Microsoft. Joe Biden could be revolutionary

  7. Why not encourage a US company to start a copy of Tik Tok
    Its not as if its revoltutionary technology.
    Its only a short version of Youtube

  8. I learned a lot from the World Death Organization. beginning. Put on a mask even though you are not a dog. Secondly. Keep a distance of two meters from a connector. Because the virus is less than two meters away it recognizes the friend and can attack. Because corona is a jealous virus. Third. Everywhere I go I put in a bar of soap. By now I'm alive. But tomorrow I will starve to death thanks to the organization that saved my life

  9. "microsoft is planning to repatriate the data of american users and delete data stored outside the country"

  10. (CHECK FOR EDWARD SNOWDEN IN THE INTERNET YOU'LLKNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT)this is not nice man. This is blackmail. Imagine an indian company being in this position in the future just because it collects face recognition,residential, etc. just like many other companies like apple, Facebook, snapchat do. And the accusations being made by america on Huawei were ok but now on tiktok. Let's not forget about US spying too. if tik tok is in the hands of USA then it is even more necessary to ban the app whether it is made in china or USA

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