
相機上捕捉到的GHOSTS的前5個SCARY視頻,包括一些瘋狂的TikTok鬼魂! 因此,在本周的「恐怖視頻」中,我們將讓Randonauts探尋鬼屋,發現令人毛骨悚然的鬼魂,在一所廢棄學校中的影子人,業餘幽靈獵人在一個廢棄的庇護所中發現超自然幻影,以及當urbex探險者來訪時發生一些奇怪的縱情活動一個廢棄的夏令營,法國鬼獵人對超自然現象的調查變得非常可怕。 如果您喜歡Nuke的前5名名單,還應該查看「年度10大最恐怖鬼視頻」! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt7ic6JJNZ4 Nukes排名前5位社交媒體:建議視頻:[email protected] Twitter:nukestop5 Instagram:nukestop5official Facebook:nukestop5 Reddit:NukesTop5。

  1. I have a theory that the people behind Randonautica placed speakers around the world on these locations to make those voices

  2. Did he take 2 cell phones to work? Coz the phone on the wall is on the hook, and he is recording from a phone… soooo…? Also, where the cops at? Did like like that french guy tho 🙂 Nice Nukes! Great vid 🙂

  3. I never believe these tiktoks, as they're more often then not just looking for some fame. But the girl with the papers, as soon as I heard the "you're going to die here" I knew I heard it from somewhere. If anyone can tell me where it's from I would really appreciate it!

  4. Taylor, " You got Balls " goin back the times that you did!! If I would have heard a little girl like that in the middle of nowhere???? fuk that after waking up from passing out!!! I would have never returned!!?

  5. 1st video was so fake. How do you even know the guy outside is trying to come in to hurt you? Maybe he just need to take a dump real bad and the door was locked.

  6. That first video…it's so fake that even other fake videos are more real.

    "Someone suspicious is dragging a trash bag? Let me get my phone out and film it!"

  7. I honestly believe that tik tok apps able to or just releasing lots of different things….ghosts, entities ….etc

    Good thing Trump is handling that.

    They're not all evil but…

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