
已修補-HQF故障和Slime Speed Up故障不再在PC或SWITCH上進行任何操作,其他控制台獲得1.4時將很快得到修補,這是一種賺錢方式,因為它始終如一且您沒有每周等待正確的魚或食物來進行這種利用。

  1. Okay now that ive tried it, holy shit this rocks, nice to have an exploit that actually still works on switch. Shame it's only good in year one (Im near the end of winter lol). Thanks again!

  2. I had to watch this like five times to understand it because your voice is so oddly relaxing I just zoned out instead of paying attention lol
    I'm gonna try this out on my switch game, thanks!

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