在Tiktok和Tiktok Ban上擊中500和600K

在Tiktok和Tiktok Ban上分別擊中500和600K。這是幾周前發生的tiktok小故障如何影響我和我的成長,以及我對此的反應以及大流行如何影響了我目標! **我使用的所有YOUTUBE設備**:?相機:Rebel佳能相機T5I https://amzn.to/3ePfsK1 ING照明:環形燈(附帶2個蓋子,非常棒)https://amzn.to/2MsjVX2?️音頻:(邁克(Rode Mike),對於獲得清晰的聲音至關重要)https://amzn.to/2BzGaIu在Patreon上支持我! https://www.patreon.com/readchoi學習日語! https://payhip.com/b/Mu8p我的社交網站:instagram @ readchoi Tiktok @ readchoi免責聲明:本說明中包含的鏈接可能是會員鏈接。 如果您通過我提供的鏈接購買產品或服務,我可能會收取少量傭金。 您無需額外付費!

  1. I』ve followed your for a while now and I must say I』ve seen growth in the content you have produced for your page. It does get hard coming up with new ideas but I believe you can do it and push through!! Love your work keep it up read ?♥️

  2. In terms of other content for YT. Maybe make a video on how the rice house started or start interviewing members just to intro everybody. Also I think a Q and A video with your dad would be the most precious thing >=]

  3. I've been following you on TikTok for a while. I followed here and IG just in case they shut down TikTok. I think you're great. I love the collabs you've been doing lately. Keep up the good work and much good luck in the future!

  4. I am happy for you but sorry for saying that ur content start to be boring …I was rewatching ur video but the new one is just not that good I just watch it because it is u in it

  5. You said your content isn』t good I disagree because if it wasn』t good then why do you have over 7K followers on TickTock you work so hard and you deserve it so congratulations

  6. Thanks for sharing this creative process and how you also experiece a "content creator's block" ?
    Since you're considering adding some memebers to your prod team to help you out, just consider how and what to delegate to them like – editing the videos on YouTube and handling your Facebook while you focus on creating Tiktok vids for example ?

  7. You have our support in anything you do!!! Sometimes life throws a curve ball but that』s ok. It give you more time be better prepare yourself for the success you will have!!! ❤️

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