
加快您的Web瀏覽速度想增強您的Web瀏覽體驗? 沒有SSD嗎? 正在運行舊計算機? 不用擔心,我們將設置一個虛擬磁碟。 RAMDisk是一個程序,它佔用系統內存的一部分並將其用作磁碟驅動器。 您的計算機具有更多的RAM,您可以創建更大的RAMDisk。 1.首先,下載軟體http://memory.dataram.com/products-and-services/software/ramdisk或http://www.radeonramdisk.com/software_downloads.php。2.安裝該軟體。 3.將軟體配置為所需的ramdisk空間。4.現在設置要使用ramdisk的軟體。 -遊戲-瀏覽器緩存可加快網路瀏覽速度-音頻和視頻編輯-等等。 Chrome:–disk-cache-dir =「 E: ChromeCache」 Firefox:1.在Ramdisk中創建一個名為FFCache的文件夾。2.打開Firefox瀏覽器,在地址欄中鍵入about:profiles,然後按Enter。 3.右鍵單擊browser.cache.disk.parent_directory,然後單擊「確定」。4.鍵入Z: FFCache,然後單擊「確定」。5. Z:是ramdisk的驅動器盤符,更改為盤符。 6.享受超快的速度這是Internet Explorer,Firefox和Chrome瀏覽器的有用方法,http://www.radeonramdisk.com/files/QuickUseGuide_MovingBrowserCache_V1.pdf加入我們的論壇http://www.briteccomputers.co.uk/論壇。

  1. Hello. I'm using Firefox 63.0, have 22Gb of RAM and successfully installed a 500mB RAMDisk on drive H: and copied all the Root Directory folder files to the RAMDisk. However, two very strange things happen when I enter the code into the Firefox target box. 1) If I enter "C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" -profile "H:Profile" (with a space after the .exe" and a space after the -profile), the Firefox browser that opens is a down version without any of my bookmarks, add-ons, preferences, log-ins, etc., as if it were a new installation, but it DOES use the cache in the RAMDisk (the used space increases). 2) If I enter "C:Program Files (x86)Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" -profile"H:Profile" (with a space after the .exe" and a NO space after the -profile), my usual Firefox browser with all my customizations opens but it DOES NOT use the cache in the RAMDisk (the used space does not change.) Very weird. So, what am I doing wrong?

  2. You need to make a brand new video. Ram disk came along way. You need to be taking about dimmdrive. You don't need a lot of ram in dimmdrive. All you do is highlight the exe. file in a video game or any program or browser. Does the same job with less ram power. You can run a 50GB game on a 2GB ram disk. It syncs the exe. Some how. People who buy those m.2 or SSD are still sleeping. Bought this program off steam 4 years ago. Use it on everything. It was only $20.

  3. Finally got RAMdisk to work with FF. I had to edit the profiles.ini file to point to the ramdisk drive. I tried running FF after this and it seemed slower than before, so I just uninstalled RAMdisk and went back to running FF normally. I have a Windows 7 machine with 4GB of memory so maybe I don't have enough memory for RAMdisk to work well.

  4. Brian, I successfully setup my RAMdisk as R: with 500 MB of space. I followed your directions for Firefox exactly but I can not get it to work. The message box states that the profile can not be found. I have tried copying the Profile folder with sub folders, just the sub folder, and just the folders and files contained in the sub folder. I used this code -profile 「R:Profile」 at the end of the target with a space following the quote. Nothing I have tried seems to work. Can you help me with getting this to work in Firefox? Thank you.

  5. Its not working for me copy paste:
    Have you put a space (example) chrome.exe" –disk-cache-dir="E:BrowserCache"
    RAMDISK is located on E:

    what am I doing wrong?
    W7 x64bite Home
    Thank you

  6. HI Brian, I use FF57 and the browser.cache.disk.parent_directory is not listen under profiles can you explain what I'm doing wrong or is it simply because ff57 is more updated than when you made this video, if so is there a workaround, thank you.

  7. Weird, I had to put mine in c directory even though it says H directory in my computer. I'm on win7. And I wanted to do this with IE but don't know if the path is iexplorecache or explorecache?

  8. while you where doing this for google chrome you should have done it for Firefox also, please. it is not clear when you write how to do it, then when you do a video.
    Thank You!
    P.S. I know its a lot to ask but i really appreciate it!

  9. OK If you find that you can't get the file to install on your PC you can use this as it may help you….. to the file, along with the file name. If you want to run the "example.msi" file, you would type the following: msiexec /i C:Example_Folderexample.msi

  10. Thanks for the help on speed up your Browser.. I didn't know I was suppose to and the space when adding the code.. Thankfully, .. I figered it out a little pit latter.. ??

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