微軟可能在美國收購Tiktok 在與《位元組跳動》的會談中,美國官員 新聞X

科技巨頭微軟已經透露,正在商討收購社交媒體應用TikTok。 這是在唐納德·特朗普宣布美國將禁止TikTok的時候。 | NewsX要訂閱我們的YouTube頻道「 NewsX」,請點擊以下鏈接:-https://www.youtube.com/user/newsxlive/觀看更多視頻:https://www.youtube.com/user/newsxliv …有關此新聞的更多信息,請訪問:https://www.newsx.com/在https://www.newsx.com/live-tv/newsx-l上觀看直播…最新書面更新:https:// www .newsx.com /娛樂新聞:https://www.newsxset.com/社交媒體處理:-Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/newsxonline/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Newsxonline Twitter:https://twitter.com/NewsX。

  1. US national security cannot be computerized, stand firm to against China communists' infiltration, otherwise, US will be in great danger. Most US young people do not understand Communists' goal. Read some info about the 45 goals of communism from 'Naked Communists' to make your choice.

  2. US claims that Tiktok is a an espionage tool and a threat to America , and on the other hand Microsoft wants to buy it , and use it on their own people can't actually understand the logic ?????
    Who's good and who's bad here..

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