我不喜歡Tik Tok上的有錢人?

再次撕開ssssssniperwolf並在tik tok上看著有錢的孩子,這是史詩般的。 使用我的史詩代碼OOMPA項目商店! #ad?INSTAGRAM→@papaoompsie https://bit.ly/35RFWr9?TWITTER→@oompaville http://bit.ly/2ErsRcS?NEWMERCH→https://oompa.store/?VLOGCHANNEL→https:// bit.ly/2XnvGDb進行業務諮詢,請聯繫:[email protected]評論如果我不喜歡tik tok上的有錢人,則「我的電子競技就像砸一樣」 https://youtu.be/81SFgynR64I https: //www.youtube.com/user/oompaville。

  1. I go to a private school, they only serve chicken sandwiches, and the bus breaks down like every day, I think these people literally go to resorts for schools.

  2. Back in the day rich people showed theyre knowledge and culture now to prove youre rich you have to have a sports car and a mansion

  3. 5:53 I just witnessed a man grab a hornet's nest in his hand, squeeze it until it was running greenish-white with its inhabitants' hemolymph, chew it and then spit it out

    Mom pick me up I'm scared

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