tiktok禁令彙編| tiktok禁令反應| tik tok禁止模因

tiktok禁令彙編| tiktok禁令反應嗨,大家保持安全和享受吧!! 可愛商品和黃道帶項鏈有18%的折扣!! 時間不多了!! https://midnightvibe.com/pages/cute-vibes?ref:MTMzMTA5LjI0MDcuMTMzMjI0LlQ加入我們的DISCORD伺服器https://discord.gg/JDykSPr請轉到視頻中查看所有創建者! 如果您想刪除自己的剪輯,請給我發消息,我會儘快將其刪除! 版權免責聲明根據《 1976年版權法》第107條,為「合理使用」提供了津貼,用於批評,評論,新聞報道,教學,獎學金和研究等目的。 合理使用是版權法規允許的使用,否則可能會構成侵權。 非營利性,教育性或個人使用提示平衡,以利於合理使用。 。

  1. Can I just say as a tech person tik tok is stealing songs from other creators they Are stealing your information and there is alot of child abuse and porn on tik tok so I support tik tok being removed

  2. You TikTok users are extremely talented off cameras. I know you are

    …..You dont need fame to be someone, If you have emotional problems it's okay i personally understand….But don't show us you're 24/7 happy cause i can see you not.

    Please TikTOK users……try to understand…..this was the only way.

  3. It』s funny because the in the opening clip we see 「Vote for joe biden and you can keep your tikity-tok」. But probably more than 75% of tik-tok users can』t even vote and are under 15. It』s hilarious.

  4. I'm an fello app dev, tik tok does keep data on secure server computers. HOWEVER the server does not send an event to delete data. If fact it saves data for location, IP address and more.

    I tbh hate tik tok.
    Trump dosnt have to get perms from apple and Google to delete cause they are just app platforms. So in reality he can ban it, if you think about it, it goes against almost every privacy rule in the book.


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