
總統唐納德·特朗普說,他計劃正式在美國禁止TikTok。 特朗普在周五晚上從佛羅里達之行返回時在空軍一號上宣布了這一消息。 總統告訴記者:「就TikTok而言,我們禁止它們進入美國。」 特朗普表示,他可以利用緊急經濟權力或行政命令來執行該行動。 他在總統飛機上說:「我有這個權力。」 TikTok是中國人擁有的視頻應用程序,在過去兩年左右的時間裡受到美國人的歡迎。該應用程序的用戶可以創建,觀看和觀看範圍從養蜂人拯救蜜蜂的一種有趣的舞蹈趨勢。它是2019年第三季度全球下載量第二大的應用程序,下載量估計為1.76億。宣布禁止中國擁有的應用程序https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12285855/trump-banning-tiktok-united-states-china-authority/微軟正在洽談購買有爭議的中國擁有的應用程序TikTok https: //www.thesun.co.uk/tech/12285291/microsoft-talks-buy-controversial-app-tiktok/從英國脫歐的最新新聞到高清電影預告片,《太陽報》為您帶來了來自英國和英國的最新新聞視頻和解說員成為Sun訂戶並按鈴成為第一個知道Read The 太陽:http://www.thesun.co.uk像Facebook上的太陽:https://www.facebook.com/thesun/在Twitter上關注太陽:https://twitter.com/TheSun訂閱太陽在Snapchat上:https://www.snapchat.com/discover/The_Sun/1633225139。

  1. . TikTok USA sold to Americans Mr. Kevin Mayer and employees for $1 Dollar !?
    ,,, with a contract of 50-50 share of profit to TikTok China.? ? ?

  2. Mr Trump you can not do this it doesn't if kids trick you or not you can not ban tik tok people need that around here I do if you ban tik tok you should be band from the white house

  3. Moron in Chief wants to ban TikTok but he won』t mandate wearing masks to save lives. Go ahead ban TikTok and watch the 18 to 26 demographic vote Democrat. The GOP tend to forget about this age-group when they make dumb decisions that affect this group. A blue tsunami is coming!!! Voting blue in November.

  4. ?? don』t chucklehead come see me in a squish mellow don』t like you better call me because I』m coming to see my grandson drop me off right now

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