GFW-深入丹尼爾-丹9:24- "…帶來永恆的公義…" (會議10)

但以理書9:24七十七歲「關於你們的百姓和聖城的法令,定了七十周,以結束犯罪,終結罪惡,為罪孽贖罪,***帶來永恆的公義,***密封遠見和先知,並膏在最聖潔的地方。 (將其添加到「深入研究Daniel系列」中)。

  1. "A very committed, disciplined, heroic morality is not the righteousness of God, in fact it becomes a veil that separates us from the righteousness of God, until in humility we renounce it for the filthy rags that it is and cry out for His righteousness!"  paraphrasing Reggie

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