TikTok將被禁止嗎? TikTok是國家安全威脅嗎? -TLDR新聞

中國的集中營:https://youtu.be/L1SElzAUkjc TLDR TikTok:https://vm.tiktok.com/JYLHGHp/最近幾周,中國社交網路中國的壓力越來越大。 去年取得了巨大的增長,該應用程序的背景和安全性備受關注,印度甚至禁止使用該應用程序。 有傳言說美國可能會跟隨,所以在這段視頻中,我們解釋了特朗普為什麼要禁止TikTok,為什麼有人認為這是安全威脅,甚至有可能禁止。 在Facebook上關注TLDR:http://www.facebook.com/tldrnewsus在Instagram上關注TLDR:http://www.instagram.com/tldrnewsus在Twitter上關注TLDR:https://twitter.com/tldrnewsus Discord:https: //discord.gg/BMrk6MC在Patreon上支持TLDR:http://www.patreon.com/tldrnews TLDR新聞商店:https://www.tldrnews.co.uk/store TeeSpring商店:https://teespring.com / en-GB / stores / tldr-news-us由PayPal捐贈:https://tldrnews.co.uk/funding了解我們的資金:https://tldrnews.co.uk/funding不和諧:https:// discord .gg / BMrk6MC TLDR是一家超小型公司,在一些出色的志願者的幫助下,很少有人經營。 我們主要來自粉絲,我們的大部分資金來自捐贈和廣告收入。 沒有陰暗的公司,沒有人告訴我們怎麼說。 我們迫不及待地想要進一步發展,並幫助更多的人了解情況。 訂閱,關注和支持Patreon,可以為我們提供支持。 謝謝!

  1. I haven't heard trump bragging about his record breaking crowd at Tulsa lately ? the only record he broke in Tulsa was the least amount of people at a presidential rally ???

  2. Anyone believes any Chinese company can say no to the government just because it is not bind by the law, who knows nothing about China…get your info and controlling what can be posted what cannot is not the only treat. Potential larger threat is if you're an big influencer, whether Chinese government will pay you to influence other people (so sold your mortal to ?) or if you have bad influence to them, you will be suicided.

  3. You say that the Democratic National Committee has advised their people against using TikTok, but then you go on to later say that Trump is going to or wants to ban TikTok because of a prank?

  4. All ive thought about is the people that are paying their bills off this app
    Like the D'amelio family and Adsison Rae along with many other creators i will also miss the app very much if it does get banned and my followers i was just getting big and same with other ppl
    But i will have to move to a different app i suppose
    Its very disappointing to say goodbye to these lovely people

  5. TikTok is a proven tool run by the Chi nese communist party. That's why is was banned in Australia and India. China has its hand in the cookie jar of nearly every country on Earth. Shining a light on China, to Show the Planet the extremely bad and awful things they do to their prisoners. Millions of them. Starvation and torture. From the Tibetans to Uighurs in Xinjiang. Add Hong Kong Protesters to the list. And when they're good and dead the CCP harvests their organs to sell on the black market. The CCP demands total control. Everything is censored.They go so far as collecting DNA from citizens. This beast needs put to sleep. Xi Jinping's sinister Belt and road initiative is crippling many parts of the world with massive debt.Everyone who loves freedom. Delete the tiktok &zoom apps. Boycott CCP owned: Hilton, Motorola, HSBC, AMC theaters, Smithfield foods,Huawei, GE appliances and List goes on. Boycott products made by slaves in China. Millions of innocent lives depend on the world bringing down the Chinese communist party. So how do you spell Xi Jinping? That's Winnie Fukeupthe world Poo!!

  6. Found a app called zynn it』s new but it has a lot of potential if a lot more people would get on there it would change the app a lot but barely anyone knows about it so some videos are like straight tiktok?

  7. Please go ahead, Mr. Trump. I don't care about China's anti-humanitarian buisnesses or the data collections, but, oh my Overmind, please delete all of this cringe! NOW!

  8. explane me this we was telling jokes abour dildos thru whats up with talking in group talkt ( by the way un albanian language ) and afrer 5 min a got ads with dildos how is this posible

  9. Before tiktok got big I caught them on several occasions putting out posts on Facebook with millions of likes and 0 comments. Clearly used bots to trick the FB algorithm to push their product. They also used a lot of vines in their ads. Combined with this, I think there is clearly some red flags.

  10. don't use the app, the chinaphobia is stupid because we have so many things domestically in our control that we can do in USA. medicare for all, etc.

  11. the thing that saying tiktok is a Security Threat make me feel that American IT technicians are all fools. But in fact, our technicians are very smart and top in the world, so why hasn't anyone put forward any evidence for almost 2 years?

  12. I do not like the ideia of Chinese companies giving away my data, is it that much different from the known fact that NSA hacks into servers to get that same data? I think in 2020 we should just assume no online data is safe and work from there… It's like in the old days no one locked their doors and presently that is just unthinkable

  13. If the app is taken down from app stores then only a very small percentage of the users will have the skill and will to circumvent the ban. Most will just shrug and move on to the next big thing.

  14. Honestly as a European, think USAs privately controlled apps trading info for profit is a bigger threat than the Chinese.

    They don't threaten my rights as they do to their citizens and I don't see them selling all my information like the private businesses are doing atm.

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