
*從側面看,該系列應該認真地製作一部視覺小說。*只是用風扇製作了Mekakucity演員(來自Kagerou項目)的開幕主題的8位音頻渲染:JIN的「發獃」(GARNiDELiA演唱)。 下載:使用Garageband和Magical 8Bit插件創建。 使用Photoshop,After Effects創建的背景並打開視覺效果。 這部影片是非營利組織。 Garageband和iMovie是Apple Computers Inc.的產品。Photoshop和After Effects是Adobe Systems Inc.的產品。Mekakucity Actors / Kagerou Project及其角色分別屬於JIN,Shidu,SHAFT及其同事。 1-該視頻僅供娛樂之用,是非營利性的。2-版權免責聲明根據《 1976年版權法》第107條,為合理使用目的提供了津貼,例如批評,評論,新聞報道,教學,獎學金和研究。 合理使用是版權法規允許的使用,否則可能會構成侵權。 非營利性,教育性或個人使用提示平衡,以利於合理使用。 。

  1. I LOVE your version of 8-bit a LOT!! I'm autistic and normal chiptune overloads my sensory input if I listen to it too much, but this version is actually pretty soothing 😀 I could listen to this over and over

  2. Would totally play this if it was a game.
    Would totally be pissed off when I hit the bad ends.
    Would totally continue playing to the end.
    Would totally be worth it.

  3. (On my dad's account lol) But, this series does have a visual novel as well as a manga. They both are written by the series creator but are both different in how the story goes.

  4. It says it the download is on soundcloud, but I think they removed download didn't they? But other than that, amazing as usual. Are you going to do the ED Days as well?

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