WireGuard速度測試-TorGuard vs WeVPN vs ExpressVPN

我測試了通道中前3個VPN的各種Wireguard速度。 誰贏? ►具有所有評分的隱私查看/層列表網站:https://vpntierlist.com/??最佳VPN提供商:TorGuard VPN http://bit.ly/tomsparkTorGuard想查看我最喜歡的產品是什麼? https://www.vpntierlist.com/tom-spark-favorite-products/ Discord社區:https://discord.gg/hark6Xm加入subreddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualprivatenetwork/免責聲明:本視頻和我所有的視頻僅供我參考,以提供教育內容和娛樂我的觀眾,因此,在美國,由於第一修正案的保護,以及保護我撰寫評論的權利的《消費者評論公平法》。 我是會員,但不受任何VPN的贊助。 這意味著,當您單擊提供的鏈接時,我確實賺錢,但保持我自己的觀點是合法和真實的,沒有偏見。 我不在此頻道上託管贊助內容,這意味著我沒有報酬以積極的方式推廣VPN。 我在這個頻道上的所有意見完全是我自己的! 。

  1. Great Video! Can you maybe edit your google sheet about the vpn rankings and add a note to like for example why some vpns have 0 Points on Reputation? I saw that there are a few and on some of them are a note but not on all of them. Would be great

  2. When you said you were not going to talk I figured at the end you would come on and give us the information you normally do. You did give the winner just not telling us who it was. I am glad you had some thing you could run all these on as when I had WeVPN and TorGuard VPN I could not test them both with wireguard as WeVPN dd not have a client for Linux and TorGuard did not have an updated client for the firestick. I gave up WeVPN thought I liked it I just needed more speed.

  3. The problem with speed is that it depend on where you are located in the world. So I think its hard to determine which is the fastest in my opinion.

  4. Just a note here guys. ExpressVPN's lightway is not technically "Wireguard" i think? But it is their brand new protocol, and I took it as a way to address WireGuard protocols.. It is slow though…

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