NXT VS TNA VS GFW已開啟! 不列顛之戰開始了!

由一個與Rey Mystery Jr.組成的晚會贊助,將於10月26日抵達倫敦,於10月28日抵達曼徹斯特。 有關門票和信息,請訪問http://www.wrestlingshop.com。在本版的Wrestle Talk TV Extra中,我們將提供一個迷你紀錄片,探討NXT在12月結束時是否能夠真正承擔英國獨立促銷並贏得為英國而戰! 要觀看拍攝該剪輯的完整Wrestle Talk電視劇集,請轉到我們的第7季播放列表。 如果您在英國和愛爾蘭,請務必在每個星期日晚上11點觀看挑戰賽。 Wrestle Talk TV是歐洲最大的YouTube專業摔跤頻道,也是世界上最大的摔跤頻道之一,提供有關摔跤明星的新聞,討論和訪談。 過去的客人包括Hulk Hogan,Mick Foley,Chris Jericho,Edge,Bret Hart,Alberto Del Rio,Colt Cabana,Jim Ross,MVP,Dixie Carter等。 如果您想要更多諸如文章,商品和獨家視頻內容之類的東西,包括WTTV自己製作的90分鐘的Jim Cornette紀錄片,請前往http://www.wrestletalk.tv。我們想聽聽您的想法和意見所以在下面給我們留言! 臉書:http://www.facebook.com/WrestleTalkTV TWITTER:http://www.twitter.com/WrestleTalk_TV。

  1. I've been to the last two TNA shows in London – haven't seen wwf since 2000 in England. It's a great battle to be honest. I'd love to see progress, icw, waw, pcw etc actually unite in some sort of way to form BWE – British wrestling entertainment. If it a bigger image it may attract tv like in the 80s. It just needs a Vince uk to have a bigger vision. You could argue we're where the u.s. was 35 years ago with all the territories before wwf started dominating – definitely good for the industry in my opinion, contrary to what all the old timers say.

  2. Well as soon as I found out NXT were coming to the UK that was the one that made me go I have to see that, so I've got my tickets for the Cardiff show and if I could have found somebody to go with I would have gone to the SECC in November to see ICW Fear&Loathing! Going to have to watch it On Demand though.

  3. The reason for TNA's success with UK fans is their willingness to embrace them. WWE treat it as just another venue while TNA make it special. However, with their TV deal potentially coming to an end this could be the last time you see TNA on these shores. NXT meanwhile is a growing brand and personally is the one I'm going to see this year.

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