灰發獃-Danilo Silgepe和Daniel Silva大喊大叫

Daniel Silva和Danilo Silgepe的繪畫和動畫特別感謝Linkin Park arts-dnabr:https://www.instagram.com/linkinparkarts新專輯現已修訂:https://found.ee/GD_Amends訂閱Gray Daze YouTube成為第一個知道的頻道:https://found.ee/GD_YTSubscribe關注Gray Daze:Facebook:https://found.ee/GD_Facebook Twitter:https://found.ee/GD_Twitter Instagram:https:// found .ee / GD_Instagram新聞稿:https://found.ee/GD_MailingList。

  1. I'm sad this music video doesn't have more views. Makes me happy to see chester as a cartoon and coming to say hi to his friends. Miss the guy alot. Im happy I got the chance to shake chesters hand on August 19th, 2014 during linkin parks show at Jones Beach New York. Great human and felt his soul as he shook my hand that evening. A moment I wont ever forget.

  2. Thank you for the songs!
    It just makes it harder to get over his death listening but it's awesome to hear this at the same time!
    R.i.p. legend Bennington ?

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