DNS可以加快您的Internet連接速度嗎? -Hak5 2406

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  1. If cloudflare has spend a LOT of money on it, then why are we getting it for free???

    For betterment of internet? I can't remember last time I get medicine, rides, fuel, and food for free. What is with all the "free" stuff on the internet.

  2. I use Quad9 has my first DNS, with CloudFlare/APNIC set up as a secondary backup, only if Quad9 goes down. Do you really need your own ISP viewing everywhere you go on a slower lookup? I would recommend Quad9 better than CloudFlare.

  3. FWIW: You might point out, at some time, that the 13 domain name servers aren't simply 13 machines, but rather 13 server clusters that handle the task. That might not be common sense for everyone. 🙂 The domain name system itself is rather interesting to study (history, nature, who's "in charge"–both now and historically)

  4. I switched from ISP provided DNS years ago and it made a noticeable difference in browsing. Also got rid of 404 errors coming back with ads and other garbage my ISP was doing to try to make additional money on me. Probably one of the best things I have managed to do.

  5. So it's just a bigger DNS with faster lookup time.
    Wouldn't this become slower and less efficient as time moves forward and the internet has trillions and trillions of new domains ?

  6. This video doesn't make a distinction betwen DNS caches, such as cloudflare, Google, your ISP, etc, and authorative nameservers such the root servers and the rest of the chain. Since the next video is all about security, it would be worth mentioning that the most secure and reliable way to use DNS is to run your own DNS cache. In cases of domains that aren't in the cache, it's also faster because you've cut out a midleman (or more accurately you've moved the middle man to your own network/computer). The root DNS 'servers' aren't physical servers, they're anycast addresses that distribute requests to one of many servers around the world. The efficiency of everybody running their own cache is much less of an issue these days because no single server will receive a big load.

    It's also worth noting that people running their own dns cache with the djbdns software have been immune to many of the DNS attacks that have hit the internet over the years.

  7. Sweet. Next time someone at work wants me to explain what DNS is I will just send them to this video. Hak5 is awesome. Thanks again guys.

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