如何加快+改善換檔 公路自行車保養

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  1. All your shifting problems will go away when you get DI-2. I suffered through all these problems for 30 years until I got DI-2 but now I have perfect shifting. No more yearly tuneups.
    And noooo do not grease your cables.

  2. As an American it gets tiresome listening to British accents all day when looking for good bike videos… but how badass is it that this guy is not only a great rider who loves to get hands on and understand the concepts behind how his gear functions, but he's got a clear and engaging style of presentation as well. Just a shout out to this dude and his many great videos.

  3. Instructions that come with Shimano drivetrain parts and shifters say to lube the cables. I use chain oil. I fill the cap with oil and drag it across the cable.

  4. The sealed ferrules, with the 'nose' improve shifting on cyclocross bikes that have to deal with lots of mud. Use them with the female rubber receiver.

  5. Okay three main things. The rear derailleur loop should be a bit longer than what was shown here. Most pro bikes will have a much bigger loop. Second, use some dry lube on the shifter under the hood where the inner cable is making tight turns over plastic guides. Third, if replacing cables and housing, use the latest Dura ace spec. The coatings on both the inner housing and metal cable will do wonders for improved shifting.

  6. I don't know if this is the appropriate spot to ask, but I will anyway. I've got a Kestrel Talon Tri with 11 spd Ultegra. If I index the bottom 2 (smallest) sprockets, the rest of the gears are very rough sounding. However if I index from the 3rd sprocket to the top, the bottom 2 are not right. I just upgraded to to Ultegra from 105 and put new cable on rear derailleur. Any suggestions? Great videos BTW!!! I've learned a ton!

  7. Hi GCN,
    I reckon you guys should go a video on how to change a groupset. I've seen your bikes change from groupset to groupset a number of times (ie. Dura-Ace 9000 to SRAM eTap). I'm looking to transfer my bike's groupset from 10spd Ultegra to 11spd Di2 (Ultegra or Dura-Ace).

    I really love your maintenance series anyway, it's saving me a lot of money 🙂


  8. Hi guys…love GCN. Here's a question about noisy shifting. When shifting to a smaller rear cog, sometimes the shift is quick and quiet…click…other times the shift is a little slower and a LOT noisier…CLUNK. I've tried lighter pedaling with no noticeable difference. My chain, cog set and chainrings are all clean and well lubed. What's up with that?

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