1360心理學家魔術師Gerry McCambridge拉斯維加斯傳奇揭示了他的秘密! -旅行(8/31/20)

1360心理學家格里·麥卡布里奇維加斯傳奇邀請我們進入他的家-旅遊博客(8/31/20)單擊訂閱:http://bit.ly/SubDazeWithJordanTheLion捐贈:https://www.patreon.com/jordanthelion貝寶捐贈:paypal.me/jordanthelion使用我的Airbnb代碼,即可獲得40美元的首次冒險優惠。 我得到20美元! 這是我的邀請鏈接:https://abnb.me/e/qnGgEfAAoQ亞馬遜列錶鏈接:https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1EPZ5PLM8PPGZ郵件-我沒有郵政信箱或郵寄地址。 請不要將我的郵件發送到我已發送視頻的地方。 簡介動畫片,作者:Jeff Block(YouTube-Cre80s)簡介音樂作者:-84 Nash「 Sandful Of Hand」,「 Cinnamon Block」和「 Megatroid In Megacity」 www.dazewithjordanthelion.com。

  1. Gerry is super cool for certain. Jordan I saw you both together in another vlog earlier this week and enjoyed it very much, and then this came up in my suggestion box.

  2. Sounds like you have an awesome big brother and your little dog is so cute. Hope you get back to work soon I know it』s hard. I』m trying to look at the bright side of things. Many blessings to all ☺️Thank you

  3. I really enjoyed this blog! He seems like such a kind gentleman & he is a true Hero to the children who have to be in the hospital. Right on, loved this!!! ❤️

  4. Oh, my gosh! I love this vlog! Gerry's doggie is absolutely adorable and I'm so happy you were able to bring Jah along, too! Gerry and Eric are clearly animal lovers! Really enjoyed the dice show. I remember Doug Henning well from when I was a kid, too! Gone way too soon… Loved seeing you in those amazing boots! Thank you so much, Jordan!

  5. What a great video Jordan! It was fun and extremely fascinating. It was so kind of Gerry to spend all tht time with you and for Eric to set it up for you. Both kind and generous gentlemen. A gem of an interview. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Judith ??

  6. Wonderful vlog. I almost fell off the couch when you removed your hand and the dice was number one ?. Thank you so much. For sharing so MUCH. ☺️

  7. AWESOME vlog!!! Was a huge fan of Doug Henning back in the 70s. Brought back a lot of memories for me. It may not bring a lot of views. But get the feeling that people have forgotten the feeling of magic or what ever you call it. This world has become so cold and bitter. Magic was a magical thing back then. Now people just want to argue. What ever happen to joyful moments and magic. May he live for ever in joy and happiness!! Peace to All!! We all needed right now!

  8. What a special, delightful experience! Gerry seems wonderful & I love that he visits Children's Hospitals as Batman. I've always been enthralled in watching magic performances & would love to see Gerry's show sometime! ❤️ Vegas is only a 12 hour drive away!

  9. That was really interesting, thanks so much for the vlog Jordan, nice to see Jah there too, with a little friend. x

  10. Wow, Jordan THAT Was so cool when I was in grade school I went to New York City to see Doug Henning in 1974 I must have seen one of the same shows that he seen back then and boy did that blew my mind when he said he went to that show back then so cool THANKS for that vlog it brought back a lot of memories for me …

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