GFW Live Report 8.5.17(史泰登島)-山之王播客

請訂閱並在Twitter上關注我攝影:Robert M. Pimpsner參觀山區國王之家Podcast適用於Youtube,Podbean和Soundcloud) )特別版:《 GFW現場報道》由BQ主持,《山中之王》播客每周對GFW的影響進行正面而誠實的評論。 KOTM Podcast不會給我們帶來負面影響,我們為那些厭倦了壓倒公司的粉絲們提供了一個社區。 您值得擁有一個像您一樣熱愛摔跤的播客! 我們不僅提供出色的《全球部隊摔跤影響力》評論,而且BQ還發布每周的視頻博客和重大新聞,這使GFW / TNA / Impact的粉絲可以關注。 這不是Meltzer,這不是Solomonster …這是山區播客之王。 讓我們一起享受《 GFW衝擊》吧! 。

  1. please check out CenterRing316 and PAPW TV, Thank you King of the Mountain Radio!!! I hope GFW makes some head way, it's a much needed alternative in the industry! very good talent roster but not sure Anhtem knows Wrestling!

  2. One positive thing about these parks, that I completely overlooked is, when they make money with them now, they can really build up that place, so that when they go there every 6 month or so, every time its a bit bigger and better

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