ing摔跤很快? GFW Star正在與WWE對話? -WTTV新聞

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  1. Sting vs Randy Orton would be a great match. I don't think they ever wrestled each other before. But Randy Orton needs to be a heel thou for it to be good.

  2. Sting needs to be given a decisive win. That HHH burial was like taking a shit on stings legacy! Fuck the authority kids bollocks, sick of that shit, make more stars not bury them! Egomaniac!

  3. it works with sting against the wyatts for now cause it's still early till mania, i'm happy in anything sting does. theres still hell in a cell survivor series and the rumble of the majors before mania. lots can be done in that time. a 6 man works, plus it could lead to a one on one with a wyatt member later like bray or maybe harper

  4. Sting would be a huge draw if WWE booked him the right way…he should wrestle in one on one matches and not be in a tag match. Age may not be on his side but he has great stamina and agility. But who could he face? Such a frustrating question to answer.

  5. There is absolutely no point in teaming Sting with Reigns and Ambrose. It's almost as if WWE thinks Sting can't draw on his own. Hell, Sting vs. Stardust would be way more entertaining than this rubbish.

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