大CM朋克破產! 頂級GFW明星要加入WWE? Diva Quits!-WTTV新聞

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  1. layla is of english/spanish decent and most thought of her as possibly being seminal native american – navaho and/or aztecian mexican…nope! one of 90's divas moving on with her life, congratulations layla!

  2. Never really cared about Layla… Actually in all honesty The only divas I've given a shit about since Trish and Lita left were AJ Lee, Paige, Natalya, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks. Anyone else in between was just meh….

  3. I hope they replace Alicia Fox but the only one they can replace it with his Cameron too bad Eva Marie sucks in the ring she would be a perfect replacement

  4. Sasha Banks could be the best diva ever if they don't drop the ball with her (which is asking a lot of WWE). She has the looks, she can work, and she's got great charisma

  5. Between the two brands charlotte is hands down the best women on the roster, just one match that stands out is her match a few weeks back with sasha banks, it was absolutely amazing to watch her preform, she's the whole package imo.

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