
3月5日-Algebris Investments的創始人兼首席執行官Davide Serra在「彭博監測」(Bloomberg Surveillance)採訪中討論了歐洲銀行業合併的前景。 。

  1. What makes you think US banks are any different. With over $1 trillion in Fed repo market commitments between the 19 Sept 2019 and March 2020 the US banks proved that they are sick sick sick. The take the OCC recent $400 million penalty on Citi and the Fed cease and desist order for running out of control of unspecified bank laws and regulations. US banks are a basket case despite the financial medias propaganda of pass them off as strong this time around. If they were as strong as you say they wouldn't have need QE in Sept last year, even before the virus hit the economy.

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