如何在Davinci Resolve 16中加快/減慢視頻播放速度!

了解如何在Davinci Resolve 16中加快/減慢視頻速度在此視頻中,我向您展示如何在davinci resolve 16中加快或減慢視頻速度。這是一個簡單的分步教程,向您展示如何增加片段速度,但也會減慢剪輯速度! 訂閱如何數字化解決您的問題的更多解決方案:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRGVYXL-ttpmh9Cn7PmhD0A?sub_confirmation=1如果該視頻對您有所幫助,請考慮在下面添加點贊並在下面評論,如果可行的話! 非常感謝:) #HowToDigital。

  1. Can you speed it up with an audio track already placed below the footage to match the audio's length? Is that possible? I'm learning just by vids so it might be an obvious question.

  2. ty i actualy wanted to see that other way with that lines like without cuting but u showed me other way not showed but just when i saw this video my mind wait i been forgot about this so anyway ty/ can suscribe to my pls my bday is soon i will sub you back ok i subscribed too you do same to me pls

  3. whenever i right click none of those options appear, and when i go to the upper corner to clips it wont let me do half of the options… i dont understand why?!

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