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  1. Looks like a good drill. I often express this thought as "don't hit so hard with right side" but I like your idea better.
    could this also be the issue with my poor balance on my drives? I'm often falling forward or leaning back after a drive.

  2. I really like ur videos! Thx. My confusion is that this all being done with ur arm? I thought they were to remain passive in the downswing. Yet u create massive speed with them! Confused.

  3. Great tip. I know in my own swing if I keep my entire body very quite yet swing my arms and hands blazing fast my timing becomes perfection. IMO the body follows the hands and arms, I know that sounds bazar but when I play might best it's lighting fast soft arms and nothingness everywhere else…. ( Zack than you so much for your ideas about the golf swing for a young man you're already at guru status)

  4. 'Slow down to speed up" Golf instruction is full of oxymorons like this, so contradictory thats why i have stopped listening to PGA instructors.

  5. Think of the acceleration aspect of the down swing as a minivan, not a Ferrari… when you can do this, take the "hit" out of your swing, then your downswing will not become a jerking motion (which is what jacks up most overly powered swings.) If you jerk to start your downswing , your swing is thrown out of position immediately. When your through-swing has a steady acceleration, you will find it more controllable, and that easy strikes hit the ball usually further than hard swings do, as you do not create so much backspin that it sloughs off energy trying to climb higher. When you can accelerate in a controlled manner, you then can control launch angles and swing paths more easily, leading to even more consistency and better scores.

  6. So how do you square this with the step through drill which appears to be teaching just the opposite idea, namely using your body to hit the ball. Is that drill more for irons rather than a driver? Please clarify!!

  7. The left shoulder coming over too early on the downswing is what I've been doing wrong. Now I'm consciously not letting my left shoulder come over until my arms have moved into the correct position and now I'm hitting much better solid iron shots. I'm yet to try the driver but I'm sure it will work for that too. So thanks for this great video.

  8. How does this tip related to the tip you gave in the video titled "Secret of the right arm ," where you advocate using the feet,knees, torso" and body to power through impact.  In this video you seem to say that the arms are to move independent of the body.  Can you clarify.

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