
我們必須儘快採取行動,為COVID-19獲得有效的疫苗和其他治療方法,這一點非常重要,儘管這種做法存在一些生物倫理問題,但人類挑戰試驗有可能加速新葯和疫苗的開發。 要了解有關covid-19的更多信息,請在此處輸入:。 要了解有關covid-19疫苗的更多信息,請在此處輸入:要了解如何為身體排毒,請訪問此網站:https:// o要了解健康的長壽生活,請訪問以下網站: ***在下面關注我:*** YouTube: / UCY-tASDpY7FKTPopeA5xfEg / featured?view_as = subscriber Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Instagram: LinkedIn:。

  1. This whole COVID-19 thing is trippy simply because nobody seems to know the origin of this virus. I mean, what caused it exactly? How did it morph into such a powerful and deadly virus? That's the kinda thing I wanna know. This was full of great info though.

  2. Great information Dr. Anthony, I didn't know that there were these human challenge trials going on. I wonder, are there risks for the subjects involved in these trials?

  3. Very informative, I did not understand the difference between these before. Such an important potential vaccine we all need to know what trials have been carried out before we take it and what effects could result from it!

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