Apple MagSafe充電器:如何使其(真正)有用

iPhone 12的Magsafe充電器非常有用。 因此,現在該向您展示一些技巧和竅門,讓您知道它是否值得,並回答有關充電速度等所有問題。 較舊的iPhone 11和Android手機與Magsafe充電器兼容,但充電速度令人難以置信。 iPhone 12充電非常好! 它不適用於Apple Watch。 快捷方式: iPhone 12 GIVEAWAY 1.在Instagram上關注我: = xy49y22qpj2x 2. #BeHappy?加入檸檬水攤!感謝您成為檸檬水攤的一部分。 布魯諾·魯貝羅(Bruno Rubeiro),大衛·皮爾斯(David Pearce),埃莉亞·弗洛雷斯(David Pearce),艾莉亞·弗洛雷斯(Dave Pearce),阿曼達·博格丹(Wendy Barnett),羅比·弗洛克曼(Robby Flockman),卡盧·斯帕利奇(Cane Spallicci),贊恩·伍德森(Zane Woodson),埃隆·揚科(Eilon Yanko),尼克·阿赫(Conne Mitchell),關愛蒂莫西·關(Timothy Kwan),康拉德·薩塔拉(Conrad Satala),詹姆斯·阿什(Sam Hulse),科琳娜·彼得里杜。 •在Twitter上關注我:•在Instagram上關注我:•在MUSIC上關注我:個人資料/ NikiasMolina請將業務諮詢發送至:[email protected]

  1. Thanks for this Nikias, I don't know anything about magnetic chargers as I only have a 7 – I'm drooling over the 12 though and am seriously considering it. My only issue is that I use a popsocket as I have a joint problem and I think it will get in the way

  2. I was excited with this magsafe for iphone but since it only fully supports the 15w charging with the new iphone 12 line up, I was heartbroken not to be able to use it with my XR in it's full potential. I guess I need to wait until most of the iphones will be magsafe capable and improving the magsafe iphone charger even further until there is a reason to buy it.

    Just #BeHappy and hope for the better future. *smile

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