
請在Twitter上訂閱並關注BQ,網址為http://www.twitter.com/bq_kotm。 由BQ主持的山王播客(King of the Mountain Podcast)對GFW的影響進行了積極而誠實的每周回顧。 KOTM Podcast不會帶來負面影響,我們為那些厭倦了那些壓倒公司的粉絲們提供了一個社區。 您值得擁有一個像您一樣熱愛摔跤的播客! 我們不僅提供出色的《全球部隊摔跤影響力》評論,而且BQ還發布每周的視頻博客和重大新聞,這使GFW / TNA / Impact的粉絲可以關注。 這不是Meltzer,這不是Solomonster …這是山區播客之王。 讓我們一起享受《 GFW衝擊》吧! 看來GFW已經失去了名冊中的另一名成員。 Tyrus(又名George Murdoch)在其Twitter帳戶中的帖子中確認,Global Force Wrestling已批准將其從公司釋放。 泰勒斯(Tyrus)感謝公司和Ed Nordholm的發布,並祝花名冊一切順利。 您可以在下面查看Tyrus的推文。 如先前報道,Tyrus於本周早些時候在社交媒體帳戶上宣布,由於他被GFW稱為「虐待」,他不打算在佛羅里達州奧蘭多市工作最近的衝擊摔跤錄像帶。 然後,他發布了一段視頻,他說他和他的粉絲在過去幾周里被「戴上了手銬,被創造性地當作二等公民對待」。 您也可以在下面查看該視頻。 默多克表示,他對自己與GFW官員「玩電話標籤」的方式不滿意,因此他決定將自己置於「保留」狀態。 他還說,直到他得到正確的對待,他才會回到公司。 現在,他選擇了整體退出GFW。 。

  1. Global force never heard of y'all. . Tyrus is not a yes man kiss Ass man,, definitely educated because he know wtf he s talking about on a political nation wide prime time popular news show… I'm sure not 2 fucks were given when he took a knee and I'm sure he knew what the outcome was going to be when he made that video.. y all give this dude shitty ass gimmicks.. y all say he's not the main event guy that's because y'all don't want him to be… y all don't know what to do with his character .. I tell y all what to do let him him do what he does and entertain.. I'm sure he'll put Global force on the map.. I can't believe how serious y all take this corney bullshit he s the on believable character in this crap…

  2. The big man wants to use the talent he has and he deserves the opportunity to show what he can do, don't blame him if the company, writer's or who ever, dont want to use him. I can see a Dimond in the cole, the tuff part is getting someone else with the ability to make something from the Cole mine that he is.

  3. The guy is getting major roles in H'wood. His appearance on Preacher, though he didn't say much, was perfectly cast. He could come in as heel Sasha's (I know, GFW only) bodyguard with the tie to Snoop. Would have rather seen him get a shot than more Abyss/Monster Ball matches.

  4. i thought tyrus was alright. they could've done more with him. maybe not main event but he could've been a tag team champion. i did like drew galloway, though. i think he did pretty good. shame he left. also, i hope crazzy steve comes back. dude has a lot of potential. maybe not main event, but i really enjoyed what he did with decay.

  5. As much as it sucks, but not everyone is World Champion material. I personally liked the idea of a bounty hunter cause it was like the ECW's 911 shtick. As much as Tyrus talks about being the man with the belt, what does he win? An ex-WWE midcarder winning the GFW title adds nothing to the company. But this just shows that this company is taking a stand and is not going to let their employees work them over. This is not WCW!

  6. No biggie if he's gone. But there is that rumor of Bruce Prichard coming back and bringing Tyrus along with him for some sort of storyline. If that has some truth to it, then okay fine, but all things considered, I'm still not a fan of this dancing hippo.

  7. The only thing that could've made this better was to see Jim Cornette personally giving Tyrus his walking papers. That would be an instant viral hit for sure.

  8. They could've pushed his Fixer gimmick with him as a "gun-for-hire" who was in major storylines. Instead while they were TNA they pushed the fake adverts for his Fixer gimmick but never used him, thats equals failure since there was no followup of him doing anything! So yeah mostly agreed with folks on here he is a missed opportunity for GFW Impact to use as a big man, but he himself with a bad attitude seems to killed his own push (if he ever had one to begin with?) now wants to leave??! Leaving while you were still somebody says something to your next employer?, leaving and making noise about it on social media makes you out to be a crybaby, not a face to look out for in another promotion?!

  9. Tyrus is basically a much less athletic version of Braun Strowman. Strowman without the athleticism  is just a big guy. Eli Drake proved that he was a worthy main event player in almost every chance he got of late, with good promos, good wrestling moves, good ring presence, and getting himself over. Remember, Eli Drake was the guy that turned heel in the rising, and from then to now, where so many people want Eli Drake to win the freakin belt, Tyrus has been in that company LONGER and did NOT deliver. Sorry, but that's Tyrus's fault.

  10. well, good luck to Tyrus, didn't work out in Impact either as well as he did what soever. I don't think Tyrus had good potential. Maybe could have used him in commentary replacing pope. Oh GOD no. Tyrus is not a main event player, GOD NO!

  11. Honestly I never thought Tyrus of ever being world title material, so fact he demanded & threatened not to show up at the tv tapings unless he got a big push for championship gold I think is ridiculous.
    As for Brandi thing while she was under contract she rarely talked or promoted GFW on social media, she usually only tweeted stuff about her and Cody of things they were doing in Indy matches.

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