
在本文中,我們將介紹如何在OMV5上安裝Internet Speed Test Server。 這是一個非常快速簡便的容器設置。 有關完整說明,請確保查看我的網站:https://dbte.ch/speedtest以下是其他OpenMediaVault視頻教程:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhMI0SExGwfDsoRxRuDeOPPAfedcXFYSZ / ====== ================================= //這是我的亞馬遜影響者商店鏈接:亞馬遜:https:// dbte .ch / amazonshop / ====================================== /做? 想要大方並幫助支持我的頻道嗎? 以下是一些支持方式:Patreon:https://dbte.ch/patreon Ko-fi:https://dbte.ch/kofi / ================== ===================== /如果您想看更多,請記住在此視頻上點贊並訂閱! / ======================================= //跟我來:Twitter:https: //dbte.ch/tw Facebook:https://dbte.ch/fb訂閱:https://dbte.ch/ytsub。

  1. DB Tech, when I try to install this, I need to change the port from 3000 to an different port. When I do, the stack still trys running on port 3000. Any ideas? Sorry still a noob to this.

  2. I am new to portainer so I thought this would be a good first deployment. I am using a Windows 10 host. I received an error message "Error received from daemon, Invalid mode for /var/lib/influxdb" on the first attempt.I turned out that mapping the influxdb volume to a windows dir. needs to be in the form /D/influxdb. Then the container deployed successfully.

  3. I am unable to use plug in can say how. Admin and password don't work for login in…. By the way I told you that your channel would get bigger, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK

  4. This doesnt seem to work on RPi is that correct? I am getting the error:

    standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error" when I try to start some of the containers.

    If this is the case please specify in your videos if you are using OMV on PC or Rpi. I am using RPi as my test server so it could save me some work. Thanks for the vids though.

  5. Very nice videos mate, I have a question whether it is possible to configure my OMV 5 machine to shut down on power loss? I live in a country where power outages are rare but still happen. I am running OMV 5 on a sony vaio laptop. I wanna eliminate the possibility of corrupting my HDD (WD RED 4 TB) from power loss. Thanks

  6. I like the idea of using stacks. Super fast. I』m still trying to figure out if there』s a way where I can export environmental variables if I need to blow away my system and rebuild it. For that matter I wonder if I had to do that if I would have problems with the data on my drives

  7. Hi, thanks for the great tutorial, I've been looking to add a speedtest container to my setup. I have one question, do you know which speedtest service or website it connects to do the speedtest? Is there a way to change it? Thanks again. You're doing a great job with your tutorials.

  8. Hey, great tutorials! New sub from me.

    On this particular stack I'm kinda hitting a wall though. I'm getting a "no such device" error in my speediest logs.


    Have you encountered this before, or maybe know what causes this? I have tried resetting perms on the folders.

  9. Hey dude can you tell cool star to update there website because I just bout a new chrome book and I can』t see if it is comballible with windows

  10. On the videos you make years ago can you please show an example of Asus chromebooks installed into a windows and even if i use websites for the downloads it still doesnt have C423N

  11. I logged into the BOINC Docker container through Portainer and did 'apt update'. It said 15 packages could be updated. Should I be doing this in the containers? Thanks.

  12. I am following all your videos from the beginning. I was not so much into OMV but since I was curious about proxmox, I have now a VM with OMV and your videos are a great resource to try all the stuff now with Docker! Thanks for your great content!

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