DuB-EnG:修復了互聯網速度問題華為b535-232 4G / LTE路由器£16 4G SIM無限數據三

4G SIM卡-擁有三個「 3」網路,物超所值,每月無限數據流量為16英鎊(他們說在網站上為21英鎊,但在商店他們為我提供了一筆特別優惠)-無需租用電話線! !…新路由器花了我100英鎊。 您可以一次下載流2視頻,同時上傳其他2個視頻…這是迄今為止我發現的「有用」互聯網速度最便宜的長期解決方案! -我很高興,並希望與大家分享這個解決方案!! #isp #huawei #router

  1. I have my own router tplink 4g and unlimited three uk sim paying £10 a month 600 minutes.
    Getting speeds upto 70meg offpeak peak around 30meg

    Iphone 11 pro paying £2.00 600 minutes unlimited data.

    Just complain on live chat speeds and signal issues each month they will decrease ur monthly charge.

    Sign up for another sim deal for £6.00 8gb data today.

    Paying less than 20 pounds for all 3 sims not bad at all.

  2. im looking to get my own internet. do you think the hauwei b535 internet(wired) will be good for streaming/gaming at the same time?

  3. Okay just got mine today. With just the standard built in antenna on the ground floor with a middling signal I'm getting 70 down and 20 up but if I put the sim in my phone and walk outside I can get over 100 down and over 30 up. Definitely some optimising to do!

  4. Hi there. Been offered the same offer through Three. I'm so pissed off with Plusnet I'm very tempted.
    Would this be ok 2 kids using gaming systems and mum and dad on their phones? I've asked Three but they are crap over the chat portal and won't give me an answer. Is it good for coverage in a biggins house? Have you had any issues yet? Great vid. Subbed!

  5. Just ordered one hope it's better than the TL-MR6400 which is going back to Amazon on Monday. Was only getting around 9Mbps with it. My phone with the same sim got nearly 40Mbps. Do you know how near you are to the THREE mast? You did well with £16 for unlimited. My THREE is £18

  6. Thing is, Stupid huawei, Will only give you 1-50mb So it could be as low as 1, but when they say it can go up to 300mb and connect 64 users, they are scamming, Awful huawei.

  7. Thank you so much for this video, it really is helpful. I have been suffering with poor internet connection for years due to being in a rural area, which has made it very hard to work at times. I am so glad I have discovered this, I just tested an EE 4G phone around my house to find out that we get really good signal. So I have just ordered this box, now going to get the EE unlimited plan, sadly according to three website the signal is poor here. So won't be getting a £16 a month deal, but still I will get fast internet, yaaaaay.

  8. used my own equitment with unlimted data with 3 have outside external antennas got with 34 ping mine resulted 82mbps down and 10mb upload bye bye slow fiber plusnet happy days cant wait get rid of plusnet 🙂

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