華為Mate 40 RS保時捷設計|| 拆箱&動手??

華為Mate 40 RS保時捷設計|| 取消裝箱和動手??商業和版權查詢電子郵件:[email protected] Baseus 120W GaN USB充電器:https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dTVB9Er EGroupware-在線協作軟體。 集成,靈活和安全:德國製造的在線協作軟體。 單擊:https://bit.ly/3deblb3獲取攜帶型PUBG手機遊戲控制器遊戲手柄手機L1 R1觸發射擊目標單擊此處:https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dXNKayX獲取Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro On大折扣「全球免費送貨」 ..請單擊此處:https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_d7PfOda獲取大折扣「華為全球免費送貨」的華為P40 E Lite。.請單擊此處:https:// s .click.aliexpress.com / e / _d8owtaC獲得「 Honor 30 Pro + Pro大折扣」,「全球免費送貨」。.單擊此處:https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dSGSLYy檢查驚人的腰包手機殼打折促銷…請單擊此處:http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/5JHOkvLE PhotoJobz:從您的照片中賺錢:單擊此處加入:https://bit.ly/31Ku9dP如果您喜歡視頻,所以請喜歡並且不要忘記訂閱我們的頻道…謝謝! 。

  1. Wow what a glamorous unboxing! Not like that other company that gives you a sticker in the box and a little five dollar wire that you can』t even use!

  2. That's the type of phone you see in science fiction and space movies….. absolutely breathtaking !!!! I hope that the ban will be lifted from Huawei sooner rather than later .

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